Robert Pfaff is an activist and writer with 25 years of experience working on LGBT and other social justice issues. He has earned both an undergraduate degree in English Literature & Composition from the College of Charleston and an International Master’s in Business in Finance & Economics from the University of South Carolina – one of the top three programs in the nation. Robert has detailed his early battle with a lifelong anxiety and panic disorder in the 90,000-word, unpublished memoir Wild Life. Though Wild Life is his first work, one excerpt was published in Alexandra Johnson’s Leaving a Trace (Little, Brown & Company, 1999), winner of the Penn/Faulkner Award for Nonfiction. Robert is currently working on the second draft of a supernatural thriller about a psychiatrist and neuroscientist haunted by a vengeful spirit hell-bent on possessing the body of his newborn child. While it is a supernatural thriller, it is also a researched indictment of the brutal pseudoscience of psychiatry, with its biochemical trends and treatments. In addition, it explores the very nature of human consciousness.
Located in Charleston, South Carolina, Robert recently started a Facebook forum called the South Carolina Psychiatric Survivors Network and invites people to join it here: