Dr Sarah Carr is Associate Professor of Mental Health Research, Middlesex University London and also runs her own mental health and social care knowledge consultancy. She has experience of mental distress and mental health service use and uses this to inform all her work. Sarah previously worked for the Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) as a Senior Research Analyst. She was a member of the NICE Guideline Development Group for NICE CG136: Service user experience in adult mental health. Sarah is Vice Chair of the National Survivor User Network (NSUN), a former trustee of the LGBT Consortium and is on the editorial board of Disability and Society. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Honorary Senior Lecturer at the School for Social Policy, Birmingham University and Visiting Fellow at the School of Social Policy and Social Work at the University of York. In 2012 Sarah co-edited the book Social Care, Service Users and User Involvement with Professor Peter Beresford.