Bristol & District Tranquilliser Project

Originally founded in 1985 as a tranquilliser withdrawal group, the Bristol & District Tranquilliser Project (BTP) is a voluntary organization set up to help people who are experiencing involuntary addiction to prescribed minor tranquillisers, sleeping pills, and antidepressants. Click the above link to find out more about local services the organization provides to those in the Bristol area, including a telephone help-line, in-person counseling and guidance through a reduction programme, withdrawal self-help groups, and a drop-in service.

The website also offers basic information for individuals undergoing the withdrawal process, family members and professionals, including the dos and don’ts of tapering or supporting someone who is tapering and fact sheets on minor tranquillisers and sleeping tablets, benzodiazepine withdrawal, various classes of antidepressants and antidepressant withdrawal.

Additionally, you can read about coping strategies such as relaxation, controlled breathing, and distraction, as well as non-drug solutions to sleeping problems.


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