I need to be loved
As a child
Who will never be left
I need to be loved as a woman
There’s an empty hole
In my heart that needs to be filled
I need to be respected
And cared for, and cared about
I need love
And warmth
I need to repair a damage
That cannot be repaired
Ease a pain, very old
Which hurts again and again
As if it is now
I need to believe
That I deserve
All these things
To know
That I am not alone
When I CRY
There’s a little child
In me
That needs to be held
A little girl
Crying for help
A young woman
Desperate for love
An angry teenager
Ready to kill
And me
Full of pain and loss
Carrying an empty hole in my heart
For so many years
If I can’t love this lonely child
And care for her
See this angry boy
Accept and forgive him
Respect and love him
For what he is carrying around
And turn his anger into power
If I can’t let this woman be
Let her beauty show
And let her love
There will always be
An empty dark painful hole in my heart
And I’ll grow old
Before this tormented
Can learn how to walk