Credo by Sarah Walker

I believe in my grief
I believe in my suffering, despair, fear and trauma
I believe in my struggle to find an existence in the world
And in my need for safe spaces
I believe in my need for support
And in my need to be heard and believed

I believe in myself as an artist
And creator of my journey
I believe in my culture and identity
I believe in grace, gratitude and love
I believe in my truth
And in finding ways for my truth and my reality
To be in the world

Although I have been looking for some time,
I have found
No evidence which leads me to believe
In the existence of mental illness,
Or any lasting positive effects of mental health drugs.

I believe, therefore, that these are strongly believed myths
on which medical and social structures are based.

If I speak the truth to my psychiatrist, he would say
“She has no insight into her mental illness.”

Which one of us would you say is the more deluded?


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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.