War in Utopia by Anonymous

the sanest of men are here
they are not carrying weapons
even if they fight against
ticking dynamite
no gunshells against people who walk on eggshells
they have pens instead, and certain stamps
these people believe in nobility and qualification
humility, not humiliation at all

but we still stand against them
because qualifications are not entitlement to authority
and what nobility? the worst abuse
is the one perpetrated by the most hospitable of them all
you ask for change they give you pills
you ask for support they give you threats
if you dare ask thrice, who knows what kind of shocks you will receive

so what we do, is take their pens away,
we burn their stamps and qualifications
but not the science behind it,
we stick together,
because no amount of authority will remain
if some amount of dynamite goes off together.

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