Softly by Winter Aid

Song of the Week by MIA Arts Editor Karin Jervert: “‘There’s and Art to falling apart like this. There’s an art to smoldering bliss like this. Don’t let it get away from you’ These lyrics always reminds me of the struggle to keep your humanity as you fall apart under the stress of life today. It feels a bit like my journey through psychiatry, just trying so hard to hold onto my compassion for myself, hold onto my humanness and respect for my diversity. Making this journey an “art” is something I understand as an artist. Also the lyrics ‘Just tell me what you want me to feel.’ makes me think of every time I’ve ever sat with a psychiatrist or therapist.”

-Karin Jervert

Click hereĀ for past songs.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussionā€”broadly speakingā€”of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.