Coming Soon: A New Family Panel on Helping Kids in Crisis


When a child of any age is in distress, what can parents do? How can they support their loved one as they strive to heal and grow?

Addressing those questions will be the topic of Mad in the Family’s upcoming special virtual event: “Family Panel Discussion: Supporting a Child, Teen, or Young Adult in Crisis.” Set for 12 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, Aug. 10, the panel will feature inspiring personal accounts of profound recovery as well as info and resources that should be of deep interest to practitioners.

An extraordinary trio of guests will participate: Ciara Fanlo, a teen mental-health coach and mentor whose work is informed by her own adolescence; UK child and adolescent psychiatrist Sami Timimi, who’s written extensively from a critical-psychiatry perspective; and Morna Murray, who runs Disability Rights Rhode Island and supported her own son through his struggles and interactions with psychiatry. 

The event will conclude with an open audience Q&A. 

Tickets are $10. If you can’t afford it—and MIA understands that not everyone can—click on the red ticket button on the Eventbrite page, and use madinthefamily as the promo code to attend for free.

And please, post the link. Share, and share away. The more people we reach, the more hope we can spread—and, potentially, the more lives might be changed. The first step to recovery is knowledge.

Amy Biancolli, Family Editor

[email protected] 


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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.