Make Me An Instrument by Nancy Rubenstein

This week’s Song of the Week is recommended and recorded by MIA Reader Nancy Rubenstein: “My advocacy began with fury when I learned the truth about what really had happened to me (drugs and electroshock, involuntary hospitalizations for suicidal ideation caused by drugs etc). This is a song I recorded with Johnny Cunningham as producer, who earlier produced Sting, and Peter Gabriel. Country star, Michael Johnson, took a week off tour with Clint Black. They all worked on this song because they were moved, and would not let me pay them. I listen to it all the time because anger is not what advocacy is about, and my goal is just like the title of this song, to be an instrument of peace. We can tell the truth, and we can be kind. This song centers me.”

-Nancy Rubenstein (Twitter: @NancyRubens3811, FB:


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.