, the website of Local News 4, posted this investigative piece by Karen Drew and Kayla Clarke on the treatment of children at a Michigan psychiatric facility:
“A state employee has raised concerns about how children are being cared for at the Walter Reuther Psychiatric Hospital in Westland.
The children were patients at the state-run Hawthorn Center in Northville Township, but have been moved while the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services builds a new psychiatric hospital on the Hawthorn site.
On Dec. 21, 2022, the Hawthorn Center held an unannounced active shooter drill. Parents, and most of the staff, were not told that drill would be conducted. Many people inside the center said they were terrified when an announcement came on the loudspeaker that active shooters were on the premises.
Even police had not been notified that a drill was taking place. Lawsuits have been filed against the center, and records show at least 13 patients have broken out of the center over the last three and a half years.
The children were moved to the Walter Reuther in June. An employee reached out to Local 4 with concerns about how the children are being treated there.
‘Someone has to stand up for what’s right. They have lost their mission plan, which is to help these kids and adults increase their management of stress levels and depression. They’ve forgotten it’s a healthcare facility and not a correctional facility,’ Christal Bonner said.
Bonner is a teacher inside the Walter Reuther. They said the children have not been allowed outside to get some fresh air for months.”
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