From Mad in Finland: One Sunday, an apple tree and a gentle summer breeze. A crooked pile of books on the table in the garden, a lovely mug full of oat milk coffee intuitively chosen from the pottery stall the day before. The apple tree rustled as I waded through the books. I was once again confused by the sequel to Psykiatria (2021) while reading Henriksson’s, Haravuoren’s and Lönnqvist’s article on psychological crises, adjustment disorders and stress reactions (the topics of the article are already an interesting combo considering that they are discussed in the same article). It seems as if the authors are not always up to date on the current psychiatry debate, let alone ready to admit that there are effective drug-free remedies and support available for various symptoms, the underlying causes of which would be good to find out before making diagnoses or writing prescriptions for drugs and then more drugs for side effects.
Read the full article here and the English translation here.