Breakdown by Pepperwood

This week’s Song of the Week was written and performed by MIA Reader Zach Wyatt with his band Pepperwood:

“A lot of my songs function as journal entries and self reflection, and while they aren’t always the best summation of my personality or beliefs on the whole, they are always honest to my emotions and thought processes in the moment. I have been in therapy, a few times with a psychiatrist, and have always had a deep respect for it and high belief in its helpfulness. Breakdown specifically is my struggle to analyze and therapize my way through a broken world, and how that is not always enough. Sometimes micro changes, or even macro changes, on the personal scale of behavior, habits, etc, are not enough. Sometimes it’s the systems of the world around us that must be changed or erased and rebuilt.”

You can find more about Pepperwood the band on Instagram @pepperwoodband

-Zach Wyatt


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.