Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel

This week’s Song of the Week was recommended by MIA Reader Jane Wilson: “It was a time of agonizing transition for Peter Gabriel deciding to leave Genesis and strike out on his own. For the rest of us, whether we are mentally sound as a bell, or struggling with treatment resistant major depression, changes and choices come at us non-stop, and figuring out the best choice, the healthiest choice – a better choice – is HUGE.

Also the words “grab your things, we’ve come to take you home”, followed later in the song by, “you can keep my things, they’ve come to take me home” demonstrates the journey between help arriving, and making one’s own decisive move.

I also think the word “home” is powerful – whether literal, or as a future you need/desperately want to create. Love the singer, the song, and the skipping!

-Jane Wilson


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