Street of Dreams by Frank Sinatra

This week’s Song of the Week was recommended by MIA Reader Jennifer Padron:

“Frank Sinatra sings this hopeful, big orchestra sentimental and hopeful (and he means it) masterpiece. Meant to inspire and manifest determined dreams in the face of hardships all over.”



Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. Seen as this is Mad in America, my recommendation is an alternative to psychotic manifestations, which is a radical artistic breakthrough in music that happened in my home town of Brighton, UK, in this young man called Ocean Wisdom, his real name. He developed super-fast, super-smooth, almost psychedelic vocal rap performance that becomes utterly too complex to take in during one listen. It literally stretches and evolves the mind to listen, which is exactly what the psychosis also does. A good song is Ewok because it also shows Brighton in all it’s creative insanity. So Ocean Wisdom – Ewok is my recommendation. Frank Sinatra has had a good innings already so he can Yoyo with my Togo and listen to OW’s flow and intricate lingo. That’s gas.

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