Vartzopoulos as the snake’s egg

From Mad in Greece: The statements of the Deputy Minister of Health D. Vartzopoulos, a psychiatrist and responsible for mental health issues, about “the nature of things for the male to be the aggressive one, therefore the concept of femicide really has a biological basis”, as well as for the “aggressive” , who “is aggressive because he is born aggressive”, because “he is born to parents who have an aggressive attitude”, justifiably provoked reactions from many quarters. And on the one hand, for whoever is judged as “aggressive”, minor or adult, for whom he says that “social structures of prevention cannot exist”, to propose as the only treatment (which he also exercises as a policy) the “operation of social services …and mental health services, which will operate in the context of education”.. but also “the police and the judicial system”…with the main aim of “isolation and punishment”.  

Read the full article here, and the English translation here.