Billions of Dollars Later, Neuroscientists Still Struggling to Address Mental Health Crisis


From Vox: “Despite having more access to medication in the US than ever, over 50,000 Americans died by suicide last year — the highest number ever recorded. The US Surgeon General describes mental health as ‘the defining public health crisis of our time,’ but we’re [sic] barely any closer to understanding the neuroscience of mental health than we were 50 years ago.

Despite the popular framing of mental illnesses as being fundamentally caused by electrochemical imbalances in the brain, a pile of evidence decades in the making suggests the truth is much more complicated. It’s the biggest open secret in neuroscience — psychiatric medications often don’t work.

. . . It could be that neuroscience simply hasn’t had enough time to develop truly effective mental health therapies for most conditions.

. . . But it’s also possible that some of the best mental health care lies outside Western psychiatry altogether.”

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  1. The petty criminal wanted me to talk about the neurologist. But I’m not going to be confronted by armchair experts in dentists chairs. The silence in the room is what I am. Therefore walls cannot contain me. There is a storm inside of you and me. When it’s over there is only that.

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  2. From the numbers I saw, the suicide increase happened after 2008, when the economy went to chit. having a chitty life from lack of money increases odds of suicide.
    Surprisingly to me and it is/was a four to one ratio for Male to Female suicide (over all ages). 23 out of 100,000 is that a big number? IDK

    Do Neuroscientists know what poverty is? They want people to be happy and poor at the same time?

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