The Drugs Don’t Work by The Verve

This week’s Song of the Week was suggested by MIA reader Will Allan:

“The drugs don’t work, they just make you worse. An acknowledgment of fact. A voice that sees hope beyond a current situation.”


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


  1. I do understand why Americans would pick this song, but their animal spirits are being betrayed by their intellects when they chose this song instead of the absolutely sensational ‘bitter sweet symphony’ by the Verve with an epic tune and an epic video that will likely make you a hazard and a liability next time you walk the streets of New York owing to it’s profound influence on your heart and mind. If you want to understand what I’m talking about, here it now, and tell me it isn’t a memorable, moving, emotional & memorable and true then drugs don’t work (it’s a must listen I promise – nobody dislikes it)…. Also, you would usually expect a song like this to be totally unique, but another song, although played with guitars and having a totally different tune, manages to somehow throw up a different song yet with a very, very similar vibe to bittwersweet symphony, only more misty and mysterious – it’s The Stone Roses, I Wanna Be Adored… It’s a certain kind of nihilism mixed with sexual and romantic frustration and longing and pessimism and too many drugs that make for these guys and their unique sounds if you ask me. But I know all you Americans are going to be thinking “that singer of the verve is rather rude”. He’s what you call ‘mentally ill’ mate, and this is mad in America! Give him a break! They are all actors after all, be at piece my McDonald’s branded fortune cookies.

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