From Mad in Finland: I believed them even though they were lying. I believed that the doctors were right, with their advanced training and their scientific-sounding reasoning. I believed them when they said they knew what was best for me. I believed them because I was in unbearable pain, I desperately wanted relief, and they said they could help. I
believed them even though they were lying, because I didn’t know they were lying. My problems started with bullying at school. Although I thought I came out of that ordeal
well, victorious, later, when I ended up as an outsider and lonely again I started blaming myself, I started finding faults in myself that were the reason why I couldn’t be with people. Self-blame and loneliness led to depression, and a little later I started hearing voices that emphasized my negative perceptions of myself and repeated the insults and mockery of the school bullies.
Read the full article here and the English translation here.