Paulo Duarte De Carvalho Amarante: Psychiatrist. Master in Social Medicine at the Social Medicine Institute of UERJ. PhD in Public Health, FIOCRUZ. Professor and researcher of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Mental Health (LAPS) / Department of Human Rights, Health and Diversity (DIHS) / ENSP-FIOCRUZ. Specialization Course in Mental Health and Psychosocial Care and Education Course Distance of Mental Health Policy and Institutional level of Improvement and Development. Honorary President of the Brazilian Association of Mental Health (ABRASME). Professor Honoris Causa from the Universidad Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo.
Fernando Freitas Ferreira Pinto: Psychologist. Master in Psychology (PUC-RJ). Doctorate in Psychology from the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). Professor and researcher of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in Mental Health (LAPS) / Department of Human Rights, Health and Diversity (DIHS) / ENSP-FIOCRUZ.