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Movement Work at the Intersections of Neurodiversity, Mad Pride, and Disability Justice (Webinar)

April 15, 2018

Mad, neurodivergent, and disabled people exist on the margins of society and even spaces supposedly "for us," targeted by widespread ableism and sanism/mentalism. Autistic people spurred the development of a neurodiversity movement aiming to affirm the value of all neurodivergent people; psychiatric survivors spurred the development of mad pride movement to affirm the value of madness; and disabled people with many body/minded experiences have consistently been at the forefronts of movements around self-advocacy, independent living, peer supports, and disability rights. Disability Justice is a framework and set of practices that honor all bodyminds. Learn how Neurodiversity, Mad Pride, and Disability Justice intersect, what it means to divest from disavowal, and how to build cross-movement solidarity across fractures of medical oppression, trauma, and dis-identification as we work toward liberation.

Movement Work at the Intersections of Neurodiversity, Mad Pride, and Disability Justice (Webinar)

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