A curated listing of international critical psychology conferences and events. Email us at [email protected] if you’d like to suggest an event.

Accepting Voices in Calgary

May 5, 2018

This workshop offers a uniquely human way of understanding the kind of experiences that get called mystifying names like “psychosis”; a non-diagnostic way of understanding such experiences and deeper understanding of how we might better support those who live with these experiences and who struggle by coming from understanding, humanity and compassion.

  • Do you work with people who hear voices or other experiences that get called names like “psychosis” and who struggle with that?
  • Do you have someone in your life who hears voices and struggles and feel limited in your ability to understand and support them?
  • Have you come to realize how the story that a person hearing voices must mean “illness” ? limits not only them but limits you too, and limits all of us?
  • Are you weary of the notion that we must fear ourselves and fear each other ?
  • Are you curious to learn more and are you asking “what else can I do?”

If so then this workshop might help you tilt your universe and emancipate yourself. It offers new, very simple and very human ways to understand and begin to act .

If you’re looking for a workshop on how to diagnose and categorise your friends, family and colleagues and what dehumanizing names to call yourself and them, then know that this is not it.

Our aim is that you can feel more confident in your ability to offer yourself as a one person safe space to people who live with experiences that get called names like “psychosis” and that can be difficult to live with and more difficult to talk about.

Accepting Voices in Calgary

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