Connecting Police Violence Against People of Color and People With “Mental Illness”
Pointing to recent high-profile incidents of police violence, MIA Blogger Leah Harris discusses in Truthout the intersections and parallels between police or public discrimination...
“Should Suicidal Students Be Forced to Leave Campus?”
In The New Yorker, Rachel Aviv discusses an apparently common practice among some US universities to expel students who attempt suicide -- even when...
Are We In Danger of a New Wave of Eugenics?
Biopolitical Times discusses the recent historic decision by the government of North Carolina to compensate 7,000 victims of its forced sterilization programs that continued...
The Scarlet Label: Close Encounters with ‘Borderline Personality Disorder’
To help my non-recovery oriented colleagues understand the stigma/resentment associated with ‘borderline personality disorder,’ I simply mention this: “Let’s say I call you and say, ‘Hey, I’ve got a referral for you. She’s been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder . . .’” I need to go no further; without fail, my colleague will smile or laugh. We both know that such a referral is a no-no, so much so that it doesn’t even have to be mentioned; it is a given.
“The Word Stigma Should Not Be Used in Mental Health Campaigns”
"I feel uncomfortable about the use of the word stigma in mental health campaigns. But, I haven’t been able to put my finger on...
How Psychiatric Professionals Promote Stigma
"The stigma suffered by people identified as experiencing psychiatric problems is often described as more disabling than the actual mental disorder," writes retired psychologist...