Break Down. Wake Up. podcast – 004 – Embracing the Unknown…not Alone With Robert...

How a period of chaos and blackouts brought an international trainer to his own vulnerability and nudged him to stop doing everything on his own.

Olga Runciman: Compassionate Psychotherapy

Olga Runciman, voice hearer, psychiatric nurse in locked wards, and survivor of a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, brings her experience with recovery to her work as a psychotherapist in private practice.

Caroline Mazel-Carlton: Judaism Madness and Spirit

Voice hearers, mystics, visionaries, and mad people are found throughout the scriptures of Judaism. What does Jewish theology have to teach us about madness and psychiatric diagnosis?

Elisabeth: Ayahuasca Psychosis and Spiritual Awakening

After taking the psychedelic drug ayahuasca, Elisabeth went into an extended altered state diagnosed as psychotic. Her terrifying ordeal ignited a spiritual initiation that eventually brought gifts of awakening, insight, and compassion.