Action Platform for Patients’ Group on Involuntary Tranquilizer Addiction
This group evolved as a campaigning group for patients’ rights on the issue of involuntary tranquilliser addiction
Benzo Buddies
Benzo Buddies provides information and support to plan and execute a benzodiazepine withdrawal schedule.
Seroxat (Paxil) & SSRI User Group
The Seroxat & SSRI User Group was founded to support and advise patients experiencing problems with Seroxat (Paxil). This English-based group offers information, forums,...
Recovery Road
Recovery Road Wellness Project's focus is on providing self-help and coping strategies to individuals currently experiencing benzo and antidepressant withdrawal and dependency, and on...
Benzodiazepines Co-operation Not Confrontation (BCNC)
BCNC is a website aimed at helping people reduce from benzodiazepines. It includes links, book reviews, support groups, and other information.
Paxil Progress
Paxil Progress is a forum for people engaged in withdrawal from Paxil. It also offers adverse drug reaction reporting, FDA Warnings, published withdrawal studies,...
Med Free Or Working On It
A website for "survivors of medical abuse, through psychiatric drugs and other medications, and are looking for healthy ways to support our minds and...
Surviving Antidepressants
Surviving Antidepressants provides volunteer peer support for antidepressant withdrawal, while tapering off and after you quit.
U.K. based website focussing on benzodiazepine addiction, withdrawal & recovery.
Beyond Meds presents alternatives to psychiatry, along with information and support for withdrawal and recovery.