Very insightful and helpful information. Enough of the complaining. We have to start gathering together to take action somehow. This is an excellent start. Thank you, Robert.
Appreciating the active effort that MIA is making to highlight the strengths of our teens rather than their “deficiencies” and “disorders”. This is such an important step in rewriting their stories through creativity.
Rich, heartfelt thank you for the kind words and encouragement. And I will check out Volunteers in Psychotherapy. I appreciate the info. And you keep up the good work as well!
Very insightful and helpful information. Enough of the complaining. We have to start gathering together to take action somehow. This is an excellent start. Thank you, Robert.
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Appreciating the active effort that MIA is making to highlight the strengths of our teens rather than their “deficiencies” and “disorders”. This is such an important step in rewriting their stories through creativity.
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Fiachra, yes, unfortunately. Thank you for your comment and perspective. Blessings!
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Rich, heartfelt thank you for the kind words and encouragement. And I will check out Volunteers in Psychotherapy. I appreciate the info. And you keep up the good work as well!
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Thank you for your encouragement! And stay in that harmony with what you believe for yourself. That is where enlightenment lies. Blessings!
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Thank you, Phil, for your kind words. And for sharing some of your story. Blessings!
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You make a good point, Joshua, Thank you!
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No, it’s not for everyone, Aaron. We all have to find what works for us. And I will keep that in mind. 🙂
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