I continue to be impressed by (and admire) your pioneering and robust work – fabulous. You opened my eyes in 2002 –- I had already weaned long term sufferers from psychotic symptoms off their meds, on the general medical grounds that the fewer pills the better – and it had worked.
It still amazes me that though one of the leading UK journals, Psychosocial Medicine, did publish the punishing graph you repeat – this still had zero impact – what a travesty.
What I would like to add is that my researches lead me to suppose that mental illhealth is where your ‘intent’ gets mislead. It is strictly analogous to leg disease, where your legs won’t do what you intend them to – put the organ right, and carry on with your life as you wish it to be.
‘Intent’ however is even more fishy than ‘schizophrenia’. But it is vital. And what these dreadful drugs do is weaken it – my motto is – empowering intent detoxifies psychoses – an even bigger mountain to climb – but so what?, if it’s right, then it will emerge.
Thank you for your splendid persistence – may we see the fruition of all your sterling work, sooner rather than later . . . . .
Well done indeed. I worked at The Retreat in York in 1997, as a consultant psychiatrist, but they’d already lost most of the 1796 spirit, sadly.
We need to keep up the pressure of reality, to make changes. What a travesty that the profession I know and love has become mired in a plethora of lies and subterfuge.
But there is hope, and this excellent essay will assist – I shall quote it at every opportunity – and with luck, more such opportunities will arise.
Here’s hoping – keep up the excellent work, and humanity will prevail – oh yesssssss
Well done indeed. I worked at The Retreat in York in 1997, as a consultant psychiatrist, but they’d already lost most of the 1796 spirit, sadly.
We need to keep up the pressure of reality, to make changes. What a travesty that the profession I know and love has become mired in a plethora of lies and subterfuge.
But there is hope, and this excellent essay will assist – I shall quote it at every opportunity – and with luck, more such opportunities will arise.
Here’s hoping – keep up the excellent work, and humanity will prevail – oh yesssssss
You continue to give excellent evidence, Bob – any support I can give you – psychiatrically, clinically, medically – you can bet I will. You are an ace, and I love your work.
See you in Denmark
Rock on
I didn’t neglect it – it’s what Peter Breggin has claimed for many years – a blight on “institutional corruption”, in Bob Whittaker’s phrase – which needs to change prontissimo, but again needs huge consumer pressure to do so – let’s start.
As above, healing CAN occur – but the circumstances have to be optimal, as with any other physiotherapy.
Rock on
Yes that’s the biggest – it takes some gravitas on the part of a clinician to appreciate that the person in front of you is not telling you the worst experience of their lives – but that’s what trauma-terror or speech-less terror in Bessel’s phrase means in real life – and the sooner healthcare personnel clock this the better – let’s start a public crusade – yippeeeee.
What I loved is that if you gently coax them, they not only do it, they delight in doing it, and it takes away all yesterday’s pain – not an easy point to sell – but vital.
Again, we need a consumer movement – let’s go . . . .
Hi Catnight
Thanks for this.
The infant is gender neutral – any support, trustworthy support that is, is acceptable. Start with Dad, and you’ll miss out on Mum or vice versa – many parents are less than competent – as I was – they have been mistrained, as I was.
I continue to be impressed by (and admire) your pioneering and robust work – fabulous. You opened my eyes in 2002 –- I had already weaned long term sufferers from psychotic symptoms off their meds, on the general medical grounds that the fewer pills the better – and it had worked.
It still amazes me that though one of the leading UK journals, Psychosocial Medicine, did publish the punishing graph you repeat – this still had zero impact – what a travesty.
What I would like to add is that my researches lead me to suppose that mental illhealth is where your ‘intent’ gets mislead. It is strictly analogous to leg disease, where your legs won’t do what you intend them to – put the organ right, and carry on with your life as you wish it to be.
‘Intent’ however is even more fishy than ‘schizophrenia’. But it is vital. And what these dreadful drugs do is weaken it – my motto is – empowering intent detoxifies psychoses – an even bigger mountain to climb – but so what?, if it’s right, then it will emerge.
Thank you for your splendid persistence – may we see the fruition of all your sterling work, sooner rather than later . . . . .
Bob Johnson Monday, 10 April 2023
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Well done indeed. I worked at The Retreat in York in 1997, as a consultant psychiatrist, but they’d already lost most of the 1796 spirit, sadly.
We need to keep up the pressure of reality, to make changes. What a travesty that the profession I know and love has become mired in a plethora of lies and subterfuge.
But there is hope, and this excellent essay will assist – I shall quote it at every opportunity – and with luck, more such opportunities will arise.
Here’s hoping – keep up the excellent work, and humanity will prevail – oh yesssssss
Bob Johnson.
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Well done indeed. I worked at The Retreat in York in 1997, as a consultant psychiatrist, but they’d already lost most of the 1796 spirit, sadly.
We need to keep up the pressure of reality, to make changes. What a travesty that the profession I know and love has become mired in a plethora of lies and subterfuge.
But there is hope, and this excellent essay will assist – I shall quote it at every opportunity – and with luck, more such opportunities will arise.
Here’s hoping – keep up the excellent work, and humanity will prevail – oh yesssssss
Bob Johnson. 10 April 2023
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You continue to give excellent evidence, Bob – any support I can give you – psychiatrically, clinically, medically – you can bet I will. You are an ace, and I love your work.
See you in Denmark
Rock on
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I didn’t neglect it – it’s what Peter Breggin has claimed for many years – a blight on “institutional corruption”, in Bob Whittaker’s phrase – which needs to change prontissimo, but again needs huge consumer pressure to do so – let’s start.
As above, healing CAN occur – but the circumstances have to be optimal, as with any other physiotherapy.
Rock on
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Hi Reyna
Yes that’s the biggest – it takes some gravitas on the part of a clinician to appreciate that the person in front of you is not telling you the worst experience of their lives – but that’s what trauma-terror or speech-less terror in Bessel’s phrase means in real life – and the sooner healthcare personnel clock this the better – let’s start a public crusade – yippeeeee.
What I loved is that if you gently coax them, they not only do it, they delight in doing it, and it takes away all yesterday’s pain – not an easy point to sell – but vital.
Again, we need a consumer movement – let’s go . . . .
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Hi Catnight
Thanks for this.
The infant is gender neutral – any support, trustworthy support that is, is acceptable. Start with Dad, and you’ll miss out on Mum or vice versa – many parents are less than competent – as I was – they have been mistrained, as I was.
Resilience springs eternal
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