Comments by Tammy Kniffen

Showing 39 of 39 comments.

  • Boans,
    I tried to respond to your post last week but when I clicked the link it wasn’t there. I receive another link last night, so I am able to complete my thoughts to you. I must first reiterate how awful this situation must have been for you. This had to be very traumatic for you to find this all out. To find out that people have deliberately set out to deceive others about you, a direct character assassination and to literally destroy you. The whole situation must have seemed surreal. But it rings true of how the Psychiatric system works here in US, every vestige of a person’s humanity is attacked, and a person is seen as subhuman. I think it is very easy to deceive in the psychiatric system because that is what it is built on: dishonesty and lies. I also think it is easy to get someone committed especially if the person already has been labeled. There are actual instructions online at wikiHow.

    The lawyer I mentioned Wayne Ramsey, I believe he is dead now, but you can find his essays online. I wanted you to read what he wrote in his essay “Why Psychiatry is Evil”:

    “ E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., a psychiatrist, is one of today’s leading advocates of involuntary psychiatric treatment, contrary to the views he previously expressed in his book The Death of Psychiatry in 1974. In later books and through his Treatment Advocacy Center, Dr. Torrey urges legislators to make it easier to subject people to involuntary “hospitalization” for mental illness and outpatient psychiatric drugging court orders authorizing what is in reality a type of assault. In his book Out of the Shadows: Confronting America’s Mental Illness Crisis, Dr. Torrey says “It would probably be difficult to find any American psychiatrist working with the mentally ill who has not, at a minimum, exaggerated the dangerousness of a mentally ill person to obtain a judicial order of commitment” (John Wiley & Sons 1997, p. 152, italics added). He quotes Paul Applebaum, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, saying mental health professionals regularly use “discretion to expand the scope of commitment statutes by admitting who might not qualify under strict [legal] criteria but are thought to be in need of [involuntary] care.” Dr. Torrey continues:

    Families also exaggerate their family member’s symptoms to get the person committed to a hospital. In a 1989 study of 83 families in Philadelphia, 18 percent said they had lied or exaggerated to officials in order to get a relative committed. … In fact a number of local officials with the Alliance for the Mentally Ill (AMI), a nationwide support group for families, say they privately counsel families to lie, if necessary, to get acutely ill relatives hospitalized. . . . They say they were attacked when they weren’t, they say their children tried to kill themselves when they didn’t… Thus, ignoring the law, exaggerating symptoms, and outright lying to get care for those who need it are important reasons the mental illness system is not even worse than it is.

    What Dr. Torrey means is laws should permit involuntary hospitalization and involuntary treat-ment without evidence the supposedly mentally ill person has ever done anything violent, making it unnecessary for others to make false accusations of violence to get somebody involuntarily “hospitalized” or involuntarily drugged.” End quote

    I tend to think capturing people for the intent to label, detain and drug always involves breaking the law. Unless the person has committed a crime there is no reason to label, drug and detain him. There is only one reason a person should be in custody and not at a hospital. The person then has the right to a trial. The state by setting aside the penal system and creating civil laws dealing with a fantasy called ‘mental illness’, is an egregious violation of liberty and freedom especially if there is no trial or jury or no representation. I may think that what you think is crazy but even so, you have a right to freedom of thought, and I have no right to police your thoughts or deny your freedom. If you are not hurting anyone. Our Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. These laws undermine the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. They should be struck down. Yet that is the system we have where the government polices the thoughts of people. We are to punish people for wrong behavior period. So, the system is not only unjust but immoral.

    “I appreciate your concern for me though Tammy. I’m more concerned for the people who have been arbitrarily detained and tortured, and the Mental Health Law Centre has conspired with the State to pervert the course of justice over, and conceal the deaths and harm which has occurred as a direct result of their “editing” of legal narratives. I have been brought to tears when reading about situations such as a mother watching as her daughter walked into traffic after an appointment at this ‘hospital’, knowing that the FOI Officer will be “editing” her documents to ensure that the young girl is slandered as much as possible, and the hospital staff appear to have done everything in their power to help the poor child. Lets not talk about the ‘coercive methods’ and threats to use electricity on the child which pushed her to such extreme action…….. those documents have been “edited” and replaced with some other forged for the purpose. And the people doing this “editing”? You’d be hard pushed to recognise them from their looks…. they smile while dong these vile deeds to children and they grieving parents who think it was just a matter of getting the child the help they needed earlier. They call for MORE of what destroyed their own childs life.”

    It is one thing to learn of the emotional and physical scars due to psychiatry’s perverted methods that leave people with nervous system damage, exposes them to altered states, akathisia, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, much agony and confusion but to learn that it is happening to our most vulnerable is so heartbreaking and to think that some parents believe that this is somehow helping their child is mind boggling. I pray for this next generation.

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  • Boans,
    Both Canada and Australia have embraced communism and the people of both countries are loosing all their rights. It is very sad. Being in a psych ward is of itself a type of torture, You are not accused of a crime yet lose you rights and there is no definite period of time of which you are to serve for your non crime and you are totally at the whim of your psychiatrist.

    “By this time my wife had used the false slander to remove all of my property from me….. so I had no home any longer. Funny but if you reverse everything said about mental illness it’s actually true. I was never without work, a home, my family, my sanity until I was falsely labelled as having one of their invented illnesses……. my life was then destroyed (deliberately for calling them out on the fraud). Too late once the damage had been done by those who conspired to do this to me (knowing what they were doing when they did it), and the frauds can’t have the truth exposed.”

    So sorry this happened to you. It is such a terrible feeling to be betrayed by those that you have trusted and then having to fight against this system, it must seem unbearable. I do hope, even now the, truth will come out and you will be able to rebuild your life again.

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  • Boans,
    I am so sorry that this has happened to you. It is so disturbing that someone can be treated that way. It puts you in such a helpless situation.

    What you describe is the power that is wielded by psychiatry and how it has infiltrated every aspect of social, political, justice and educational barriers. You do not need a “mental illness” to be declared “mentally ill”. Someone can just dislike your political speech or maybe just take a disliking to you personally and make an accusation. Especially if the person is already carrying a label, the person is scrutinized and can be held for a psyche evaluation. Refusal is not always the best approach either. The police can intervene and personally escort you to hospital. I read Wayne Ramsey’s ‘The Case Against Psychiatry’ and other essays he has written. He was a pro bono lawyer with Psyche rights. He quoted a percent and I forget where he got the number of those who lied or stretched the truth to have a person incarcerated. So, it does happen that those involved from the police to family members to psychiatrists twist the truth. Judges too rubber stamp what psychiatrists recommend without looking into each specific case.

    I have read that (and this is not an answer to your question) that more blacks are labeled disproportionately compared to whites with Schizophrenia. I am not quite sure why that is, but it seems a bit unfair to me.

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  • Bradford,
    I think what you described is far too common. Toxicity leading to alter states and then forced hospitalizations. I was given 1200mg of lithium, the highest therapeutic dose possible for years. Why they needed me that doped up I will never know. Wellbutrin was added for 12 years. This was never explained to me. Most but not all, of my incarcerations, I was toxic on lithium. But of course, this is never emphasized by the doctors. You are led to believe everywhere you turn that lithium prevents mania. I was given my drugs whether I got a blood test or not. In the past I didn’t have insurance and couldn’t always afford it.

    I am so glad that you were able to break free of the drugs because really this is the whole crux of the matter. I think for myself I could deal with just the stigma as long as I was without taking the drugs. It is a testament to the absurdity of drugging an individual when one is able to live well without them. There really is too much risk involved with all the psyche drugs and very difficult to come off, as I am sure that you know.

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  • Bluebird, I probably should have used the word ‘censored’ instead of banned. A lot of what was on Breggins’ channel was at one point taken down. Not due to his revealing videos on Psychiatry but due to his stance on COVID. I had posted a video of his on Facebook in 2021 and they took that down as well. He did put a lot of His content on other forums which I think is wise. I am glad that you still can find the ‘simple truths of Psychiatry’ on YouTube. These are such important videos for someone to come across.

    I was unaware of who Alice Miller was. I found quite a few videos on YouTube along with the oral reading of her book ‘The drama of the Gifted Child’. Thank you for mentioning her and the audio book actually comes in very handy.

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  • Thank you, Rosalee for all your kind sentiments. I think what I would really like to get across to the public about what I have gone through is how it so unnecessary. How your entire life and future can hinge on the judgement of one psychiatrist. People tend to listen to doctors. They revere them even. So when you are at a placed in a situation where your critical thinking skills are at a low or maybe not operating at all or you have no idea what psychiatry is truly about, you do not question what is told you. I have often thought what many of us need is love and understanding, not more judgement and condemnation. I appreciate the fact that you took time to read my story.

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  • Thank you for that information, Hayden. I have always believed the C.I.A. is and has always operated as rogue counterintelligence agency. It seems to me that Congress has siphons off its powers to unaccountable government departments to make it more difficult for the American people to have full accountability and disclosure.
    Although your mention of the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and other governmental bodies that incorporate these type of techniques, they operate under a different system than our own, namely communism. But we are not immune to these kinds of abuses. Many in the public are not even aware of the MK ultra-project and the forces behind it including the C.I.A. involvement with bringing Nazi war criminals to the US.

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  • It doesn’t seem they take great care with people’s belongings. I had an incidence when I was last hospitalized. They even took my wedding rings, which was very unusual, and when my husband asked they couldn’t find them. Eventually they turned up. They had placed them in a specimen bottle. Come to think of it when I was hospitalized in 1990, the Bible I took with me I had to give over to my husband along with cross that I was wearing. I would think that they would want you to have some comfort since they are detaining you.

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  • Thank you so much, Sam. I think there is always forgiveness but there is also responsibility and accountability as well. You actually need all three. I think the Church has succumbed in a large part to the culture, where farming out the elderly, children, the most vulnerable and suffering to these systems that are now set up. We are loosing our ability to have compassion, to nurture and to identify with our loved ones because we choose what is most expedient for the individual. I appreciate your thoughts and your care. Thank you for your interest

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  • Thank you for your interest in reading my story and your kind remarks. After I wrote my account, I remembered so much more that I wished I had included. I might have to write a sequel to cover those things. I also think this is the standard line in psychiatry i.e. “It’s incurable.” Healing is such a foreign concept to the system. It reminds me of Dante’s line ‘Abandon all hope ye who enter here.’ It is so terrible to write off people in that way. That is a very sad story and indictment on the ‘help’ one is given.

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  • I more than appreciate ‘Mad in America’. There is no site like this one. Whitaker’s books along with Dr. Peter Breggin’s are still my mainstay. Found many psychiatrists and psychologists here that do not adhere to the biological model or drugging individuals. It helps to have all this information in one place. The evidence is overwhelming of the malfeasance that is rampant in psychiatry. I really feel humbled that my own story was considered.

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  • The video is so horrific. The fact is labeling someone ’mentally ill’ gives the forces that be the excuse to ignore civil rights, brutalize and treat inhumanely an individual. The police powers should never be involved in something like this. They are not trained for it, and it only shows the coercive nature of psychiatry’s reach. I agree it only serves to breed more fear and acceptance.
    The scary part is that there are those who think they are doing the ‘Lords work’. One of my favorite quotes is by CS Lewis is: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

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  • Thank you. It actually took a great sacrifice for me to stay at home, but I felt that it was that important. Financially we would have been better off if I had worked. There were other things that complicated the situation one of which is that my husband worked for his father’s company. So, we were subject to his pay scale which did affect our making ends meet. This is the reason my husband worked 7 days a week. When I was in hospital in 1989 my husband used to bring my children up to see me, but it was in a small visitor room. Years later a thought about the length of time I was separated from them and how it must have been difficult for them to understand. I came to the conclusion that family is just not the priority of psychiatry. It has more to do with the breaking down of family rather than strengthening it.

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  • It is such a sad commentary on what the reality is now. The more we become accustom to the impact of psychiatry on all of life, we loose our ability to relate and have empathy and care for our loved ones. Instead, we give up our responsibilities to an impersonal and destructive system and think we are actually giving the person much needed

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  • Thank you so much Hayden for all your good advice and I appreciate the link and yes I do live in Missouri. I have found that it does not matter how long it has been since your last hospitalization, you will be treated unfairly. With my last hospitalizations, it had been over 8 years. No one mentioned this especially the psychiatrists I saw there. The word ‘healing’ is a foreign concept to psychiatry, and they never give you much hope in this regard. I also appreciate the advice on my sons. We have never really talked about all this. Most of their information they have gotten from my husband and others, and I don’t think they even know the circumstances of how their mother came to be embroiled in psychiatry. I think they assume a lot. That is why I appreciate the fact that ‘Mad in America’ has given me the opportunity to share my story. I am hoping it will give me the ability to finally open honest communication about this subject with them.

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  • Thank you, Hazel Gay. I am so sorry for all you have had to experience at the hands of this terrible system. People’s suffering and trauma is never validated with labels and the drugs only serve to blunt and numb the person’s mind and spirit. It is such an impersonal and uncaring way to treat people. I would imagine that writing your book would have given you a new power and energy over all that has happened to you within the system. Being able to share it with others helps them to know they too are not alone. But I think more importantly the public needs to have a new kind of PR campaign. One in which truth it is part of the narrative. It seems to me that is exactly what you have done with your book so I ordered it. Look forward to reading it. I wish you all the best for the future.

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  • Thank you for mentioning this. What is practiced in psychiatry is harmful and toxic to the brain and body. Most of this is unnecessary as nutrition, supplementation of vitamins and minerals, and paying attention to rest and sleep can help the body overcome many situations where psychiatric intervention is sought.

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  • Thank you, Janet. I’m very much interested in contacting you to learn about your advocacy work. My personal story does not describe sufficiently all of the emotional and physical damage I have experienced due to psychiatry. It is mostly an account of how I was labeled and declared “mentally ill”. I am finding that with the season upon us it is difficult finding the time for anything these days, but I plan to write you as soon as I can at your e-mail address that you have listed. Thank you for reaching out to me.

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  • It took me a long time to find all of this out. When I was first labeled, the pc was not prevalent and access to information was limited. I went many years thinking well maybe this could be true. I experienced a lot of anxiety. I didn’t know that lithium could be the cause. It wasn’t until I found out about Dr. Peter Breggin that I realized how I had been totally deceived. I can’t begin to tell you how much money they have taken from me. The trauma is unreal.

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  • I am sorry you have had to go through all this. It truly wreaks a person’s life and destroys their peace and trust. I can relate to the police being co conspirators. Anytime the EMT’s and police have been in my home they have never been helpful and I find out later things were said that were not true. It is so hard to fight or remove anything that is in your medical record no matter how inaccurate it is.

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  • I think what this woman did was very brave and much needed. There is a strength that comes from sharing your story. You also find out your not alone. I think the psychiatric system counts on people remaining quiet. The system is set up to separate the individual from the community and the family. We need to speak out more and put an end to this charade. There is definitely more power in numbers.

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  • Words can not describe the devastation my last hospitalizations cost me. While I was is the hospital I asked for a Bible. The only Bible I was given was an incomplete Bible that only included the New Testament. I wanted to read the Psalms and Job. I asked for another Bible that included the Old Testament. I could tell I had annoyed the nurses. I was told that was all they had. I had to ask my husband to bring me my own Bible but I was only allowed to read it at the nurses station. When I got my hospital records I could not believe the amount of distortions, fabrications and down right lies in my record. Everything I said was written as if it was a symptom of “mental Illness” including wanting to talk about Jesus in group and telling a social worker she had a pretty cross. Once you have been labeled everything you say is mischaracterized. What others say about you becomes more important than what you say about yourself. I know I can trust God to see me as I truly am and I am not invisible to Him.

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