If you have ever had the misfortune of receiving a psychiatric diagnosis… I can guarantee you will never be able to forget it. It will follow you to the ends of the earth, completely transforming your relationships with your family, friends, employers, co-workers and health professionals. It will impact what they think of you, how they treat you, even to the point of how they speak to you and about you. It will change the very concept you have of yourself. It comes with its own scorched earth policy. Can you think of a more significant way to make a person feel disempowered than by giving an individual a psychiatric diagnosis?
Personally it has cost me friendships, my dignity and my self-respect. It has shaken my confidence and shaped my perceptions. Slowly self-doubt begins to creep in, and you learn to mistrust your decisions and emotions as you view everything through the lens of a psychiatric ‘diagnosis’, deferring everything over to the advice of your psychiatrist. Basically, it is like a complete and total brainwashing where eventually you find yourself distrusting the human race as a whole. The stigma and discrimination I have had to endure due to my ‘diagnosis’ crushed my spirit and the dreams I had for my life.
But the most devastating part of all is how my ‘diagnosis’ altered my developing relationship with my two sons. They were both fed a constant diet of a false narrative about the status of their mother’s mental health onwards from the ages of four and seven, which impacted our developing relationship in countless ways that continue to this day. This is the part of my past that hurts deeply. There is nothing more precious to a mother than her children. My children are now grown men. My eldest has children of his own. Something was truly lost that I can’t get back and although my relationship with my children today is a loving one, irreparable damage has occurred that continues to impact our relationship. Yet when you’re told a lie and from that point on you base your life on that lie and so does everyone else around you, the truth becomes elusive. If you are fortunate enough to find out the truth, there is nothing to do but face it or ignore it, but good luck to you if you decide to try to explain to others that you are not what a psychiatrist labeled you. It’s a catch-22.
Like many Americans, I originally accepted my ‘diagnosis’ of manic depression. Since then, manic depression has been renamed and is now known by the more consumer-friendly ‘bipolar disorder’. I guess you could say that I was carrying on a family tradition, since I have an older sister who, years earlier than myself, also walked away from a psychiatrist’s office with that same label.
My journey down the rabbit hole began late in the spring of 1989 when I was experiencing a major depression. The words ‘major depression’ never crossed my mind to describe the way I was feeling. At the suggestion of the wife of my husband’s brother, I was taken to her own personal psychiatrist. When I reflect on my situation at the time, I wonder why the suggestion was made in the first place as my circumstances were well known to his family. I was 29 and the mother of two children. My youngest was in preschool and my eldest was enrolled at a parochial school where I volunteered as headroom mother. My husband and I had just purchased our first home five years earlier. A year after we moved in, I gave birth to our second child. These financial obligations led my husband to work an increased number of hours at his father’s business. Most days I wouldn’t see him until nightfall, which left him little time to devote to our family life not to mention our relationship with each other. At the time I had relatively few close friends and although my husband’s large family lived nearby, all of my seven siblings and their family members lived hundreds of miles away. None of my neighbors were stay-at-home moms like myself and at times I felt isolated; cut off.
I was single-handedly coping with a lot of stress. I never really noticed how I was slipping into a depression until I found myself within its midst. It’s not like there is an ‘a-ha’ moment where you tell yourself, “I have depression.” It’s only in retrospect when you have a past reference point from which to compare. So, when I found myself alone, in a small office, facing a woman, a psychiatrist I had never met before, I felt overwhelmed. This encounter would be the first and the last encounter I would have with this person. To this day I don’t know what was said between us or even her name. I do recall that I had been having thoughts about being a bad mother. It never occurred to me just how irrational these intruding and reoccurring thoughts were or even to challenge them within my mind. Up until this point, I had always prided myself on being a good mother. And even though the self-condemning thoughts about being a bad mother had been happening prior to the visit to the psychiatrist, the visit set off a real paranoia that I can’t explain. It felt like I had done something so horribly wrong, and this visit seemed to justify what I had been feeling. I don’t know if I voiced these thoughts to her during the interview, but she wrote out a prescription for an antidepressant which my husband filled.
At this point in the story, it gets hazy. I began to lose track of time and I don’t know how long after the visit to the psychiatrist this happened, but I remember my husband decided to drop off my children at another one of my sister-in-law’s houses and I was left at home alone. This seemed rather odd to me. My children were always either at school or they were with me. I also think the situation fed into the thoughts I was having about being a bad mother. There by myself, I began to experience fear as it occurred to me that the psychiatrist had tricked me and had given me a placebo. I honestly thought this. So, to counter this fear I took more of the antidepressant. I know I did not take all the pills in the bottle but apparently, I took enough. I immediately called my sister-in-law, the one who was watching my children, and explained that the psychiatrist had slipped me a placebo and that I had taken more of them. She immediately called 911.
By the time my husband arrived back at our house, emergency vehicles were blocking the street in front. I was rushed to the hospital. In the emergency room, right after having my stomach pumped, I was confronted with papers of commitment. I refused to sign. My husband called one of my sisters who was a phlebotomist at the time and worked at a hospital. She gave me a speech about signing the commitment papers because if not I could be kept for up to 90 days against my will. So, while lying in a hospital bed surrounded by medical equipment I decided to sign. As it so happened, my hospital stay came close to fulfilling those 90 days.
In my mind at least, this was not a suicide attempt, but it wouldn’t matter. That was only a technicality. When I first recounted what happened that day, to one of my sisters, I got the distinct impression she didn’t believe me.
She said, “That doesn’t make sense.”
If this was the end of my story, I would consider myself blessed, but it wasn’t. This was just the beginning of a nightmarish turning point that became my life for the next 30 years. Eight months later I found myself again committed to the same psychiatric ward at the same hospital but this time for different reasons and with a new ‘diagnosis’: manic depression.
Many years later, after reading the criteria for bipolar in the DSM, I was quite puzzled as to how I got this ‘diagnosis’. None of what was listed seemed to apply to me back on that February evening in 1990. Sure, my husband and I had been fighting but this was no different than the many other times we had fought. Except this time, he called his mother. I remember sitting on the landing with one of my sons sitting quietly by my side, listening to his call. I can remember being driven to the same hospital that I was admitted to eight months prior, in the backseat of my mother-in-law’s car, with my husband driving and my mother-in-law sitting in the passenger seat; I did not fully comprehend what their intentions were or what awaited me when I got to the hospital. So confident was I that, as a new Christian, I decided to take my Bible. This action could have been my undoing along with my previous record of overdose. When we eventually arrived and according to my memory, without even seeing one psychiatrist, I was escorted upstairs to the behavioral facility by a nurse and my husband and admitted.
Unfortunately, when I recently wanted access to my hospital records from this night, I was told the records had been destroyed. I have no way of knowing what was recorded as being said by either my husband or mother-in-law or any notations by hospital staff. But I do know that sleep was not an issue, nor grandiosity. I was in control of my faculties. I was not ranting and raving, acting hysterically or brandishing a weapon. I was not delusional nor was I trying to convert anyone or reading from my Bible. I just naively and willingly went to the hospital with no questions asked.
My stay was a short one. This time less than a week and now I was officially ‘manic depressive’ and prescribed lithium for life. I had been assigned to a psychiatrist my husband’s eldest brother had been seeing after his divorce when I was first hospitalized in 1989. He initially lied to me, telling me I would only need to be on lithium for a year, never even bothering to mention any of the side effects. At 5 foot 2 inches with a small frame, during the next 12 months I gained 60 lbs with nary a word from him about this weight gain.
After receiving that ‘diagnosis’ I never saw the writing on the wall. I was to be hospitalized eight more times in a 30-year period, sometimes with as many as 11 years in between hospitalizations. On one occasion I drove myself to the hospital at the request of my husband and was admitted based just upon his recommendation. Of course, by that time I had an involuntary commitment history. But it was the last two hospitalizations in the first part of 2020 that were the most horrific. This is when I was abruptly withdrawn from a concoction of drugs. The woman I became was unrecognizable from the genuine person that I am — a far cry from the naive young mother of 1990 who first received the label manic depressive. My personal agency was completely in shatters. I can tell you firsthand the destructive nature of psychiatric drugs because I have lived through it.
I am aware of how many people may feel these drugs help them and I don’t want to disparage anyone’s feelings. But one of the things I do object to is how the psychiatric and medical community, along with the drug companies, do not fully disclose to the public the inherent dangers involved in taking psychiatric medications and the flimsy and arbitrary criteria not backed by empirical science that these drugs are dispensed with, normally being prescribed to the person for life. These are mind-altering substances. Instead of fixing some chemical imbalance, they cause them. It is a less than honest way of doing business. Iatrogenic effects, which can happen quite frequently and without warning to the consumers of these medications, are often blamed on the consumer as a reemergence of the ‘mental illness’ rather than acknowledging the true culprit which is the medication itself.
The 19th century’s sordid psychiatric treatment of the so-called mentally ill is well known by the public. Ask anyone what images come to mind when you say the word “asylum” and compassionate care will not be among any of those images. Although many of the bizarre, tortuous and abusive treatments were cast off by the psychiatric community, precisely because these forms of ‘treatment’ have no scientific or curative value, new ones replaced the old, therefore little has changed since then. Psychiatry remains a very destructive, coercive, and highly political means of social control. Psychiatry’s reputation for exploiting women, the poor and the disadvantaged is also common knowledge to the general public. So why does a false sense of what psychiatry is and what it represents persist in the mind of the average person?
The answer to this question is multifaceted, but the shame of it all lies in the populace’s blind trust that psychiatry is valid science. Society’s overall complacency towards psychiatry’s utter lack of scientific evidence has cost millions of psychiatric survivors much grief, heartache and ruined lives. And in psychiatry’s wake, society continues to deny people their civil rights based solely upon its perception that ‘they’ need ‘help’. But is psychiatric help the answer? I can think of far more kindhearted and empathetic methods and less stressful ways of helping someone cope with a life crisis or distressing situation than locking them up, forcibly drugging them and stigmatizing them with a scarlet letter for the rest of their lives.
Well stated, Tammy. I’ll just add …
“Oh what a tangled web” they “weave, when first” they “practice to deceive.”
And they do love to attack us stay at home moms, when our children are young, don’t they? Why is being a “super” mom, and very active volunteer, “unemployed” to the “mental health” system fraudsters?
And they declare us “w/o work, content, and talent ” and “unemployed” – without even bothering to look at our work, or asking us about our lives.
And when they finally bother to look at our work, it gets described as “work of smart female” and “insightful,” but also “too truthful.” And “there might be a market for a Chicago Chagall,” so the “mental health” fraudsters try to steal it, via their toxic conservatorship contracts.
Best wishes on your healing journey, Tammy.
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Thank you! I have always felt that stay at home moms get the short end of the stick when it comes to psychiatry!
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Psychiatry ALWAYS gives EVERYBODY the short end of the stick. Psychiatry itself, *IS* a short, dead stick….
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You didn’t produce children and then make someone else raise them. Good for you!
Day care is less than care. It is mere maintenance. Parents sometimes must use these services. I wouldn’t condemn them for this. However, child development is done best not in a group.
Now the issue of misdiagnosing a woman because she chooses to care for a child seems nuts. You say that a diagnosis stalks the patient forever. How is that done? How does a record stalk? I don’t doubt you, I only seek a way to halt this violation of liberty. This is more than a civil rights issue; it is a civil liberty issue a constitutional thing.
I admire your dedication to raising your children.
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Thank you. It actually took a great sacrifice for me to stay at home, but I felt that it was that important. Financially we would have been better off if I had worked. There were other things that complicated the situation one of which is that my husband worked for his father’s company. So, we were subject to his pay scale which did affect our making ends meet. This is the reason my husband worked 7 days a week. When I was in hospital in 1989 my husband used to bring my children up to see me, but it was in a small visitor room. Years later a thought about the length of time I was separated from them and how it must have been difficult for them to understand. I came to the conclusion that family is just not the priority of psychiatry. It has more to do with the breaking down of family rather than strengthening it.
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There are a few things struck me whilst reading this article.
One was the way that false narratives are fabricated by public officers and the way these things compound. According to ‘their’ records I am a drunk…… and yet the facts (truth) is that I haven’t touched alcohol in more than 20 years. But a Police officer needed to justify removing me from my home because my wifes boyfriend was in town, and she wanted the house to herself…… in the meantime across town a woman was being beaten to death by her violent drunk husband, and police claim they need more resources. Well, I beg to differ, and think perhaps if they allocate their resources a little better, rather than doing the bidding of someone being given ‘advice’ on ‘what you need to tell them’ and what ‘evidence’ you need to plant and when…… Still, I have confidence that HER diagnosis will have much more of an effect than mine ever will…… the slander only keeping me in place while the criminals sort out a scapegoat I assume.
“Can you think of a more significant way to make a person feel disempowered than by giving an individual a psychiatric diagnosis?”
Yep. I note that the slander that effected me most was the claim by the Community Nurse that I was a wife beater, a drug abuser, that I was violent, were all pretty effective. And not a single piece of evidence to support ANY of his claims n the Statutory declaration he wrote to justify arbitrarily detaining me. My wife to later claim she “said no such thing” to any of them, and my confusion as to why I was being treated in the manner I was, not even aware of the slander that had been smeared over me behind my back.
That’s not really the worst of it. The attempt to access the protection of the law, meant that others then used that slander KNOWING it was fraudulent to do deliberate harm. A public Officer has sworn a statement and it isn’t true? many a person found themselves doing long prison sentences for crimes they didn’t commit where I live…. it’s called ‘verballing’, and is considered “noble corruption” by people such as the Chief Psychiatrist or Police Commissioner……. they encourage it by having classes in “Creative Writing” for Officers who fall behind in the fabrication of evidence. And the ‘cost’ to the justice system, and health system be damned. Lies to achieve KPIs.
What fascinates me is that at present we have our politicians dealing with one guy stealing 80k and spending it on prostitutes (and the laptop with the videos of him with other pollies being held up in the Corruption watchdog), another sitting Member on charges of molesting a 9 year old girl. who turns up once every few weeks and bows to the Speaker to obtain his ‘benefits’ (sure, innocent till proven guilty and I understand how the State uses and utters with fraud to slander so I have some empathy for the guy), the guy with the kiddie porn seems to have dropped off the radar, the guy who bought War Medals off ebay and then wore then to a parade and lied to a Parliamentary Committee about his ‘history’, well he’s gone…..
But it doesn’t seem to effect them. Though perhaps their ‘medical records’ are not being released from the Private Clinic by a psychologist with a Masters degree? Aren’t they in for a shock lol Though I know some of them are aware of the ‘eavesdropping on the confessional’.
Lots of ways of doing the nasty to people where I live, many of them criminal, but police provide material assistance to the criminals by finding “insufficient evidence” by not taking the “proof” (as stated by a lawyer).
In my religion slander is a serious matter, and WILL have serious consequences for the slanderer. And these labels are nothing more than ‘educated slander’.
The complaint of Habakkuk and the Lords response comes to mind………. if your still allowed to read your Bible (given the gods of psychiatry have now spoken and you should be worshiping them, they may deny you your delusions) take a quick read.
Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.
That’s a promise from someone who doesn’t lie. deceive., fabricate, defraud, or whatever other term they wish to manufacture for their evil.
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Words can not describe the devastation my last hospitalizations cost me. While I was is the hospital I asked for a Bible. The only Bible I was given was an incomplete Bible that only included the New Testament. I wanted to read the Psalms and Job. I asked for another Bible that included the Old Testament. I could tell I had annoyed the nurses. I was told that was all they had. I had to ask my husband to bring me my own Bible but I was only allowed to read it at the nurses station. When I got my hospital records I could not believe the amount of distortions, fabrications and down right lies in my record. Everything I said was written as if it was a symptom of “mental Illness” including wanting to talk about Jesus in group and telling a social worker she had a pretty cross. Once you have been labeled everything you say is mischaracterized. What others say about you becomes more important than what you say about yourself. I know I can trust God to see me as I truly am and I am not invisible to Him.
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I remember one time I said something like “Oh, you think your ‘testing’ me doctor? Nooooooo it’s me ‘testing’ you is what’s really going on here”
And I feel certain that when you look back Tammy you can see the line of frauds and slanderers your ‘treatment’ has exposed? Many of them don’t wish to accept their illness, they are anosognosic about it all, and will probably remain so until their Day of Judgement. They were provided an opportunity to do as the Good Samarian did, but instead they chose to take what little you had from your pocket book.
I made the mistake of not following instructions and looking into the eyes of one of these people as he was being ‘delivered’. The fear was something I have never witnessed before. All the chances to do good, and here he was caught right in the middle of an act of evil……. the disease in his heart taking him to a place where the ‘alleged’ disease in my mind will never take me.
“I know I can trust God to see me as I truly am and I am not invisible to Him.”
THAT in the end is about all that you will ever need. I was struck by a story I heard from a Christian preacher about Daniel. He said that Daniel didn’t ask the Lord to take him out of the fire, but to come into the fire with him.
I’ve pondered this with my desire to leave this filthy hole I find myself trapped in. And I think my story aligns more with Lot, happy to leave my wife behind to be turned to a pillar of salt and destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah. I think I would have felt the same about the ‘camps’ in National Socialist Germany, and I recognise the genesis of that type of situation after what I have been put through…… the hypocrites easily identified when their words don’t match their deeds.
The ‘backbiters’ and slanderers? They too easily identified……… as you have personally witnessed with your ‘documents’.
Stay strong and thanks for sharing your story with us.
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Thank you for all your comments and encouragements. I wish the very best for you. God bless you!
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Psychiatry is unapologetically ANTI-religion, and ANTI-God…. Atheist, in policy and practice….
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I’ve always thought of psychiatry as being a religion, with a hierarchical ‘clergy’.
I know when you compare it to fundamentalist Islam, they have a lot in common. The concepts of jahilliyah and anosognosia both taking on the very same role of denying the person identified as such any human rights. The killing of Muslims by other Muslims who define anyone who disagrees with them as being in a state of jahilliyah a means of slandering and ‘treating’ for their ‘unbelief’. The ‘clergy’ of psychiatry defining anyone who disagrees with their ‘treatment plan’ as suffering from anosognosia thus allowing the removal of human rights and force to enable their ‘unbelief’ to be ‘treated’?
Both use methods of terrorism to hold their captives in check.
such coercive methods done in the public arena to ensure the maximum effect is achieved…… though the claim would be that they didn’t publish this material for that purpose, the desired effect is achieved? The ‘media’ being the public square where ‘beheadings’ are done by those in authority. Mess with mental health services your head is going to need examining. A lot of people walked into the ‘showers’ using the same methods, use the ‘least coercive method available’…. and if they can justify in their minds that this is ‘medicine’, there is no need for the stick?
I do think that the people involved believe they are doing Gods work however. I think it may have something to do with the voices they hear, though deny should anyone NOT of their status claim to be part of. The end result being what is described by George Carlin in his sketch “you have no rights”.
Personally I think it might be best if Balaam’s donkey keeps his mouth shut next time. Or maybe “right this way” like the Japanese Americans whose ‘rights’ were removed just when they needed them most lol
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It’s been said that history often repeats itself. Seems true, especially considering that it’s now the Age of Psychiatric Inquisition—where the expression of negative feelings is a mortal sin to be medically persecuted with labels, drugs, and involuntary confinement, with the only means of escape being to hide one’s negative feelings, and especially any unbelief in psychiatry’s self-proclaimed supremacy.
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The video is so horrific. The fact is labeling someone ’mentally ill’ gives the forces that be the excuse to ignore civil rights, brutalize and treat inhumanely an individual. The police powers should never be involved in something like this. They are not trained for it, and it only shows the coercive nature of psychiatry’s reach. I agree it only serves to breed more fear and acceptance.
The scary part is that there are those who think they are doing the ‘Lords work’. One of my favorite quotes is by CS Lewis is: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
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I couldn’t have said it better myself.
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Tammy, thank you so much for sharing your story, and for the CS Lewis quote. What powerful and profound words.
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Thank you for your kind words. CS Lewis is one of my most favorite theologians.
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“The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact.”
malcolm muggeridge
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Tammy. Thank you so very much for your courage to share your story. I resonate and understand a lot of your story having gone through similar experiences…especially the common experience of fabrications & distortions in medical records. I’d love to talk with you about advocacy work I am doing if we are allowed to offer contact information here. [email protected]
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Hi Janet,
how kind to describe what these criminals are doing as being “fabrications & distortions in medical records”.
I would think that deceiving lawyers with fraudulent legal narratives would be described a little harsher…. though I did note the way the Member of Parliament sat back as far as he could when I called a spade a spade (ie “this is criminal fraud NOT “editing””). Perhaps they prefer the ‘softer’ euphemisms such as ‘unintended negative outcomes’ as opposed to the correct term of unnecessary death caused by unlawful restraint methods (victims neck broken).
Personally I would describe “editing” as the removal of unnecessary ‘packing’ such as repeat Forms containing the exact same information (eg 40 days of the same medication sheets, provide one and inform the reader of the other 39).
I don’t consider “editing” to be the removal of proof of the administration of a stupefying drug without knowledge to a person who was lied about to Police as being an “outpatient” of a hospital to enable arbitrary detention and torture. The insertion of other highly sensitive documents to release confidential information as a means to slander I also don’t consider to be “editing”…. especially when the legal request for documents related to a specific set of events…… a particular ‘referral’ and date. Why then would an FOI Officer go trolling back through ten year old records to seek out slanderous and character assassinating material? And material to create the appearance that the person who was snatched from their bed by police had actually BEEN an “Outpatient” of the hospital for more than ten years when they KNEW that was false? But it did mean they couldn’t be held to account and thus could harm others in the community.
I get the feeling after some time investigating these people that they become quite creative with their fraud, and the subtleties of pushing people to suicide using these unlawful methods (gaslighting). Not that the State could ever allow such a truth to be exposed, the ‘joint enterprise’ of the matters meaning they all need to fuking destroy the victims of such public sector human rights abuses….. by ‘assisting’ them with their particular form of ‘help’. Paying the Operations Manager for her misconduct and the deaths that result from her vicious psychological abuse of complaining ‘patients’ and then actively doing something about it contradictory to say the least.
Still, one in, all in. You need to watch your back in such an environment, whilst not appearing to be paranoid. Something our Treasurer who had to flee the State before being ‘referred’ by our police for mental health treatments as a result of his ‘bi polar disorder’ (drunkeness was possibly a better description of his behaviour, but his erratic behaviour meant he needed to have the chains put round his neck to ensure his silence lest he blow the whistle).
So with not a single doctor in the State who could ‘treat’ this ‘patient’ for a fairly commonly diagnosed ‘disorder’ he had to leave just after the police went to his home (hiding out until they left) to ensure he got the ‘help’ he needed.
I think the problem with such fraudulent documents is that the Police refuse to even put their fingers on them, and instead make referrals of anyone trying to make a complaint and access the protection of the law back to the thugs at mental health. They did the same thing with one of Jeffrey Dahmers amateur psychiatry victims (would he have even been charged if he had a license to practice ‘medicine’? I know Ariel Castro wouldn’t in Australia if he had his C Class Psychiatric Hostel license)…… what a position to find yourself in, thinking police will assist you when you have the proof of being assaulted, and they simply call up the people your complaining about to ‘come and get you’ and assault you until you remain silent about their abuse……. i’ve seen that pattern somewhere else.
What sort of ‘advocacy’ work do you do? Nothing like the Mental Health Law Centre lawyers I hope? Their ‘advocacy’ consists of knifing their clients in the back despite their sworn duty as lawyers and their “fundamental and appalling breaches of their obligations as counsel to their clients and of their duties to the court”.
Their forgery (letter of response from the Chief Psychiatrist) ending up in a number of peoples hands and only stopped from entering the court by denying me access to legal representation…… Thus I can’t get divorced, and my property remains in the hands of the person who committed the offences with these public officers…..though to be fair she did ‘squeal’ when they asked her to get me into the Emergency Dept for an ‘unintended negative outcome’.
We’re obviously not allowed to communicate because should we ever get together then the truth would possibly emerge, and there are people who conspired with my wife in these matters who definitely don’t want that to occur (so our ‘meetings’ to try and resolve property issues were attended by a ‘minder’ to ensure the conversation didn’t drift to the offending of the State)…. imagine victims of these people getting together?
The threats issued to my wife to ‘assist’ the hospital with their concealment of their abuses, the deliberate fuking destruction of my family by using my wife to destroy my relationship with daughter grandchildren…….such ‘professionalism’ rewarded with promotions.
And the deaths ‘they’ are causing can be used to call for more resources due to the need for ‘them’ to intervene earlier. When these people have attempted to kill you, and then call your truth an ‘illness’, I really do understand why the term “survivor” is used by so many people.
They were a little late on the scene…….. about three weeks too late, so the Community Nurse had to travel back in time to read my mind. My hasn’t psychiatry made significant advances since I went to college?
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Thank you, Janet. I’m very much interested in contacting you to learn about your advocacy work. My personal story does not describe sufficiently all of the emotional and physical damage I have experienced due to psychiatry. It is mostly an account of how I was labeled and declared “mentally ill”. I am finding that with the season upon us it is difficult finding the time for anything these days, but I plan to write you as soon as I can at your e-mail address that you have listed. Thank you for reaching out to me.
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Basically, the quacks didn’t want you in proximity to any belief set aside from psychiatry.
Throughout my many psychiatric hospitalizations, I’ve seen all sorts of books confiscated from inmates: Bibles, Korans, romance novels, college textbooks, cookbooks. If any excuses were given for stealing that property (many people, including me, never got it back), they were all BS.
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It doesn’t seem they take great care with people’s belongings. I had an incidence when I was last hospitalized. They even took my wedding rings, which was very unusual, and when my husband asked they couldn’t find them. Eventually they turned up. They had placed them in a specimen bottle. Come to think of it when I was hospitalized in 1990, the Bible I took with me I had to give over to my husband along with cross that I was wearing. I would think that they would want you to have some comfort since they are detaining you.
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I still laugh to this day about the time when the hospital staff locked me OUT of the ward because I had returned from Mahgrib Prayers wearing my prayer garments. Waaaaaa a suicide bomber at the door trying to get in……. and i’m the one being called paranoid? lol. Don’t they have ‘medications’ for such discriminatory and prejudicial delusions?
I guess I share a lot with Bilal ibn Rabah who was also tortured by his ‘master’ Umayyah ibn Khalaf, and eventually had his ‘day in court’. My refusal to accept the gods of psychiatry as my ‘saviours’ eventually resulting in me being offered protection by the Muslim community. “we will protect you” (how sweet those words seemed at the time) and sure enough the State Police all ran away….. probably because of the fact the Imam was also a Federal Officer? (Nothing inconsistent there, Muslims don’t want people being hurt either) Where would you go with matters of State Police corruption? A Muslim chat room, there are more Feds in there than Muslims lol
And the revelations of the Quran? “they will take their oaths as a cover” “do not conceal truth with falsehood”, the slanderers, the frauds, the backbiters………
and then this
“Allah does not like the public mention of evil except by one who has been wronged. And ever is Allah Hearing and Knowing.” 4:148
And have I been wronged? The only way that can not be supported is by denying reality and accepting the concealment of the truth by those who have taken their oaths as a cover…… the people who are also harming your families, with the support of the criminal negligence of public officers being paid by …… YOU.
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That is absolutely hilarious that they locked you out. If it had been me I would have walked home! Most of my incarcerations I did not have insurance so I spent a lot of my own personal money. I can’t understand how they can forcibly lock you up and then send you the bill!
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Talk about adding insult to injury!
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“If it had been me I would have walked home!”
By this time my wife had used the false slander to remove all of my property from me….. so I had no home any longer. Funny but if you reverse everything said about mental illness it’s actually true. I was never without work, a home, my family, my sanity until I was falsely labelled as having one of their invented illnesses……. my life was then destroyed (deliberately for calling them out on the fraud). Too late once the damage had been done by those who conspired to do this to me (knowing what they were doing when they did it), and the frauds can’t have the truth exposed.
“I can’t understand how they can forcibly lock you up and then send you the bill!”
This reminded me of the ‘interrogation’ scenes in “Brazil”. When citizens are forced to pay for their own ‘interrogations’ (torture) it is best you confess quickly……. you’ll ruin your credit rating if you don’t. Because the State will ALWAYS obtain a confession when they are torturing people…….it’s just a matter of how hard they have to turn the screws…….
I was flabbergasted at who it was doing the torturing, and the people who are actually providing material support for them in Australia.
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Psychiatry is not much more than a set of medicalized booby traps. But thank goodness the word has a chance to finally get around. And when it does, (most) psychiatrists won’t be able to hide the fact that most have egg on their faces and blood on their hands.
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I agree with you whole heartily. It is a sad comment on this profession. Most that are drawn to it are either blind to the harm they do or they don’t care.
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But I don’t think most other “mental health professionals” are much better than psychiatrists, as most are psychiatry’s lapdogs who follow the DSM like dogs in heat.
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I don’t think much of the DSM. To me it seems more like an opinion piece rather than a truly scientific vetted book. I guess they think it is vetted since they vote most of what is included within its pages into existence.
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Psychiatry confuses, fools, and intimidates people with its medicalized language. It uses the tried and tested “if it sounds scientific, it must be true” technique of manipulating people.
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Both Canada and Australia have embraced communism and the people of both countries are loosing all their rights. It is very sad. Being in a psych ward is of itself a type of torture, You are not accused of a crime yet lose you rights and there is no definite period of time of which you are to serve for your non crime and you are totally at the whim of your psychiatrist.
“By this time my wife had used the false slander to remove all of my property from me….. so I had no home any longer. Funny but if you reverse everything said about mental illness it’s actually true. I was never without work, a home, my family, my sanity until I was falsely labelled as having one of their invented illnesses……. my life was then destroyed (deliberately for calling them out on the fraud). Too late once the damage had been done by those who conspired to do this to me (knowing what they were doing when they did it), and the frauds can’t have the truth exposed.”
So sorry this happened to you. It is such a terrible feeling to be betrayed by those that you have trusted and then having to fight against this system, it must seem unbearable. I do hope, even now the, truth will come out and you will be able to rebuild your life again.
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Yeah I dunno about embracing communism, though our Parliament does only have one Party (the ‘opposition’ has two seats) Which when you think about it is a good thing…… all those people who said “communism, that’ll never work”. Personally I think President Xi would make a great Prime Minister for Australia, certainly much more effective than the planks we have ‘elected’ (is it really an election when your forced to vote?)
“Being in a psych ward is of itself a type of torture, You are not accused of a crime yet lose you rights and there is no definite period of time of which you are to serve for your non crime and you are totally at the whim of your psychiatrist.”
Yes, the psychological tortures are certainly damaging, and much more difficult to prove than the physical tortures. Your average citizen unaware of the methods being used against certain groups in our community, only seeing the responses by these people when they are released from custody. One group making up 4% of our population, and 66% of the child prison population (locked in cells for 22 hours a day, subjected to unlawful ‘restraint methods’ etc).
“As yeah sow, so shall yeah reap” huh?
I hold little hope for this place to be honest. And whilst they can sit back and laugh at my attempts to have something done about their vileness and criminality, the same was true of the people who got to shake hands with Albert Pierrepoint after the trials at Nuremburg.
“It is such a terrible feeling to be betrayed by those that you have trusted”
Yes, it is a terrible feeling, but it is also the very pit of Hell according to Dante Alighieri. Those who betray family, community and God. And these people got the trifecta, betraying me by drugging me without my knowledge and lying about me, betraying the community by forging documents and concealing their human rights abuses, and God by swearing false statements before Him…….. my path is easy compared to the one they will have to walk.
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“Psychiatry is not much more than a set of medicalized booby traps. But thank goodness the word has a chance to finally get around. And when it does, (most) psychiatrists won’t be able to hide the fact that most have egg on their faces and blood on their hands.”
I’ve just been pondering the way the Law Centre was a ‘booby trap’ for someone who had been subjected to arbitrary detention and torture.
Consider, I approach them and have the documented proof (though in redacted form. The misconduct patently obvious despite the redactions) though they do not wish to take these documents from me, instead making application under the human rights protections for unredacted documents (and obtaining an ‘authority to act’ in the process. Watch out for that ‘booby trap’ they lay for the unsuspecting. Detail the conditions, though they will no doubt refuse to ‘assist’ should you not allow they the right to conspire against you with the people who have committed offences against you as their ‘client’)They don’t wish to touch anything they might wish to unsee at a later time, preferring instead the “edited” legal narratives they are accepting from the State, and then not being “over zealous” in their complaints about the “editing” (ie further human rights abuses by your own lawyer. In this case a whole Law Centre full of them covering up for the State under the guise of ‘access to the law’).
The hospital knowing what is contained in the unredacted documents can’t possibly hand these documents over to people claiming to be my legal representatives. And in fact, they want the redacted ones I do have returned.
So the Law Centre receives a set of “edited” documents (rather than the set they had a right to examine) and can claim they never saw the misconduct or human rights abuses (arbitrary detention and torture). They make a little noise about the “editing” of the documents, but don’t push the issue (lets not be over zealous where torture is concerned, the State doesn’t like that and funding may be at risk).
The Law Centre then drafts a letter of complaint based on what they have been told by me (my wife obviously avoiding providing my cause of action with any evidence/proof preferring to work with the criminals, and the lawyers not wishing to take any evidence of wrongdoing to bias their complaint. It’s okay, we’ve got him surrounded.)
After the Law Centre checks that I no longer have the documented proof of the misconduct, they then pretend to submit the complaint to the Chief Psychiatrist. A response is received which is bizarre in it’s contents, though they provide this poison pen letter to me with a letter saying they don’t have the resources to read the response from the Chief Psychiatrist.
Now as I have stated, this letter was forged and uttered with by the Law Centre, as a means of concealing arbitrary detention and torture, whilst wiping their ‘fingerprints’ off the crime scene. The State negligent in their investigation of my allegations, and instead preferring the conspiring with the lawyers at the Law Centre for their mutual benefit.
But I didn’t leave the matter there. I still had the documents showing the original misconduct AND the forged letter of the Chief Psychiatrist (using a little bit of grey matter which you would expect from an expert in mental health law right?). So I approached my Union lawyers, and provided the documented proof to such an expert in mental health law, and was interviewed by her. It seems fairly obvious that she would have contacted the Law Centre and asked them about the forged letter, and then as a result of a request, also threw me under a bus.
Her ‘fingerprints’ however were all over the documented proof. She had seen the misconduct and human rights abuse, and made a choice to neglect her duty to her client……. because? I assume she explained this to the Queens’ Counsel at the meeting where we managed to get to the point of explaining how the fraudulent prescription concealed the ‘spiking’ with date rape drugs by making them my “Regular Medications”. Probable cause? And with “reasonable grounds” to move forward with an investigation……..ewwwww. Look what they tried to do to him to cover up their crimes…… lucky it wasn’t our families and only his.
So whilst the ‘medicalized’ booby trap analogy might be relevant, it wouldn’t be possible without lawyers who will conspire to pervert the course of justice when they come across the human rights abuses that are being “edited” out of existence by hospitals (with the full support of the State which receives a benefit from such offending). having the legal representatives ‘deliver’ the victims to a ‘dark alley’ to have their heads smashed in by the ‘thugs’ they are complaining about a clever ‘mechanism’ which ensures that zero complaints about human rights abuses slip through the cracks.
And it’s not like their are any journalists that would publish such facts even if the documented proof were available. I mean they do have a cell next to Julian Assange available, and ‘treatments’ for those who would dare speak truth to power. Better to be the Judas for 15 pieces of silver.
So it’s more a set of legal booby traps from where i’m looking. Though the negligence works in a way that ensures that the ‘fingerprints’ of the lawyers is wiped by the authorities to ensure a preferred outcome. Obviously organized crime but hey, is your family safe if you dare ask any questions of the Minister? I know in my instance she told me that I “better get yourself a lawyer” despite her being fully aware that the State was denying me access to effective legal representation AND that the letter she was responding to had been forged and uttered with by the Law Centre. Don’t tell me they didn’t tell the Minister how they had ‘resolved’ the matter, and left her to find out down the track about the forgery and conspiring to pervert? Whose the nutjob now?
A song (original version by Leonard Cohen but I prefer this version by Concrete Blonde)
Everybody knows their doing what? OmG really? Why so surprised? Anything is possible when you can “edit” legal narrative and deny access to the protection of the law. Ask anyone who knows victims of the National Socilaists in Germany 1940s. It’s simply a matter of calling them “Outpatients” and the whole State mechanism goes into ‘fuking destrution’ mode. Not caring about anything other than their own protection. And they get to call it ‘healthcare’ in as much as the German State called it ‘racial hygiene’. None of it really possible without the ‘laws’ to protect those ensuring the purity of the Nation. Lives not worthy of living decided by….. the checkpoint Charlies.
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It can be hard to access good legal help as a psych patient. Or, seemingly impossible sometimes.
A suggestion, boans, would be to try to say what is at the core of your complaints about how you were treated.
In order to be heard, we have to be understandable to others: They have to be able to make sense of what we say.
In candor, I’m not following you here.
Try to explain to your readers as if we are in kindergarten. It might help.
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Appreciate your comment Hayden Hall.
“It can be hard to access good legal help as a psych patient. Or, seemingly impossible sometimes.”
Oh I’m not a psych patient, where on earth did you get that idea? And as far as legal help goes, I have been in contact with one of the very best in my city.
I play golf with the Consul General of a large Asian Nation, and I don’t think it’s because he has an interest in mental health issues. A lot of other people I play golf with are career lawyers, one who owns a large Law Firm who in his youth got a man off who beat his wife to death with a hammer, and then cut her into pieces…. not a day in prison 🙂 So he’s no slouch either, but he has said “these matters can take some time” unlike the 15th which is a drive, a chip and a putt.
“A suggestion, boans, would be to try to say what is at the core of your complaints about how you were treated.”
Simple, badly. I was snatched from my bed after being ‘spiked’ with date rape drugs, arbitrarily detained and tortured to produce the false documents to utter with and conceal the misconduct.
My confidential medical records were released unlawfully from a Private Clinic, and the person who did that tried to arrange to have me ‘outcomed’ in the E.D. (or to be precise, her Shock Doc husband had arranged to have me ‘outcomed’, my wife smelling a rat went and spoke to her Prof of Cardiology friend, and he rudely interrupted the doctor who was about to inject me with what we call here a ‘hotshot’).
The documents which were the motive for the attempt to ‘outcome’ me, were then retrieved, and the cover up completed by the Law Centre with the forging and uttering of a letter of response from the Chef Psychiatrist (best he doesn’t get involved in such cover ups, and given the situation he was never supposed to even know his name was being put to such poison pen letters) The letter ending up on the table at a meeting between the Head of the Council of Official Visitors (a human rights lawyer) and the Chief Psychiatrist during their weekly meeting. what a surprise that must have been for him to see that letter…….. it makes him look like an absolute plank. I’m sure he had a laugh with the Principle of the law Centre about it all….. ‘got me a good one there Sandy’.
“In order to be heard, we have to be understandable to others: They have to be able to make sense of what we say.”
Yes, and I have tried desperately to have others assist me in writing these matters up in a coherent manner….. even paying lots of money at times to be thrown under a bus because the people get threatened by the State. The documents I have speak for themselves, and I was fortunate to be given the unredacted copies showing the misconduct (unusual given the way my State allows the ‘mental health system’ to be used for the cover up of misconduct by public officers. Police making ‘referrals’ to ‘friendlies’ should one of their fellow officers be caught with the fingers in the till).
Not a lot of good without a good person to assist in making it very clear what crimes occurred, when and who was involved.
I mean personally I’m not even really interested in anyone being punished, the Minister died of heart disease, the Principle and all the lawyers at the Law Centre were ‘removed’ and possible never practice law again (okay, we need people to do the paperwork for property transfers, and administer wills etc, but they won’t be going anywhere in a hurry as far as a career goes), the FOI officer gone after a long career fuking over mental patients, the Senior Medical Officer (ex psychiatrist/ex Catholic Priest) had his access to adolescents cut off,……..and me? Well, I know the truth, and watch as people deny reality and show their true colours….. when they say they would have stood up for the Jews in Germany had they been there……. no they wouldn’t lol. They would have been looting their property because they have been ‘tested’ and failed miserably. Spines made of jelly.
“In candor, I’m not following you here.”
Fair enough, it’s one of the effects of being subjected to the vicious attacks the State conducts against anyone they perceive as a threat of being a whistleblower. Psychiatry providing the perfect weapon to those aware of how to wield it. Ask a question and see how far we get? Do you understand the legal consequences of a mental hospital lying to police and claiming that a citizen if=s an “Outpatient” they require assistance with detaining? It’s a crime where I live, I can even give you the ‘billing code’ for the offence (Porcure the apprehension or detention of a person not suffering from a mental illness (as defined in the Mental Health Act), but Police don’t have a copy of the Criminal Code (under resourced see) and therefore they have to make up what they think are crimes.
Standing near a crosswalk with intent to use it….. penalty a blow to the knees with a kosh and a fine of $50. (funny but it’s a crime committed mostly by our aboriginal population, or at least it only seems they are the ones getting caught lol)
Torture (concealed as ‘medicine’) can be a beautiful thing if your not on the receiving end of it, the Operations Manager getting quite a high out of subjecting ‘patients’ to her abuses. I think about the way she enabled the wholesale theft of patients valuable property (oh your gold chain didn’t get stolen during your ECT treatment, it’s the effect on the memory. See it isn’t documented on the property sheet. And how easy to not write it down, and the be seen with it at the Staff Christmas party?), and even called police to investigate patients to throw others off the trail
I mean what else do you do to a child sex offender who pleads NGRI? Have orders made to inject him with the ‘burning flesh’ until he puts a pistol in his mouth and blows half his face away? Then change his psychiatrist and his ‘medication’, and call it a side effect?
I was thinking earlier about how I still to this day suffer from the assumption of others that I did something wrong, …. surely I must have? In fact, i’d prefer it if the slander fabricated about me was actually true, that I could live with. How many violent psychotic drug abusing wife beaters have jobs? (possibly some of them work in ‘mental health’ and project their ‘character flaws’ onto others?).
But it wasn’t true, and I pity the whole community when mental health services can literally destroy someone’s life by simply calling around to their home. The can’t possibly win, when the ‘Inquisitors’ visiting someone means they’re a witch.
“Try to explain to your readers as if we are in kindergarten. It might help.”
I’m not a writer, and never will be. I hope that someday I will have no need to interact with anyone in the State I reside in……… they make me want to vomit given the way they turn their back at the first sign of trouble. Hypocrites. Though I get the feeling from some at MiA that they are fighters, people who would have needed to be shoved with a bayonette into the ‘showers’. That sort of courage I admire. The sycophants on the other hand…..
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boans I’ve been thinking of you and now I find this reply you wrote that I’d missed somehow.
I guess, a word I’d have for what happened to you is, it’s “involved.”
I believe you are on another continent from where I am in U.S.: Perhaps you are in Australia?
I believe it may be Tim Wilson who has been advising that the Mental Health System there is NOT working at all well, over all.
Which is not to say it’s working great in the U.S.! – and, there have been pressures here to mandate more widespread coercion of people who have received psych diagnoses; I’m not up on things, to know how widespread such mandates are in the U.S. now.
Just reflecting some on the law, I expect your legal system, like ours in the U.S., has traditions from U.K. law. Perhaps where you are (Australia?), you also are inheritors, as we are, of the ancient legal doctrine of ‘parens patriae.’
And you may know what that is, but, just to review: Under the legal doctrine of parens patriae, anyone who is found to be (sigh) ‘mentally incapable’ is, in the view of the law, as a kind of de facto child whose parent is The Sovereign — with The Sovereign historically having been the British Sovereign, but, for us, in the United States, The Sovereign is The State.
This doctrine of parens patriae is a way of trying to see that someone will look after folks who are (sigh) mentally incapable. As I would understand, though, in actual practice this legal doctrine may not play out very well in many instances, for those it is supposed to help.
Not to impugn those who become charged to serve as Guardians and Conservators, who go above and beyond in selfless care for their Wards or Conservatees.
Anyway. My take, boans, for what it is worth, is that there may be a general supposition that people who have been subject to the Mental Health System are mentally incapable, whether or not in fact they are: My hunch is, it may be social custom to treat them as de facto children, so as to diminish such people –as, perhaps, you, and, me– instead of building them up to be at their/our best.
In the U.S., we now have a relatively new law that may shift the legal landscape some, however: This is the Americans With Disabilities Act; and, as distinct from parens patriae, it seeks to make the most of the capacity that any of us have.
So: Let’s say someone is reading your somewhat involved account of harms you have received from people. If that someone presumes ‘boans is like a child; we can’t make much of what boans is saying,’ that is one thing. If that someone presumes ‘boans has something going on that we can’t quite make out; it’s necessary to find the necessary supports to discern what’s going on here,’ that is another.
I don’t know that this helps.
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Hi Hayden Hall
you write;
I guess, a word I’d have for what happened to you is, it’s “involved.”
Not through my choosing, that was done to ‘muddy the water’ so to speak by those who benefit from creating chaos. Others are then not prepared to spend the time (or don’t have the level of intelligence to) unravelling the mess the hospital administrators deliberately created.
You write;
“Under the legal doctrine of parens patriae, anyone who is found to be (sigh) ‘mentally incapable’ is, in the view of the law, as a kind of de facto child whose parent is The Sovereign — with The Sovereign historically having been the British Sovereign, but, for us, in the United States, The Sovereign is The State.”
Whilst I can see where you are going with this, the issue was that I had been falsely labelled as being ‘in the care’ of a psychiatrist in order to make what were criminal offences appear to be lawful.
You seem to have an understanding of the law, so if you can imagine, the standard set out for a person to be ‘mentally incapable’ (sigh) is that they are being “treated for a mental illness (as defined in s. 4 of the Mental Health Act) by a psychiatrist”. Not just a situation where I would like to be the ‘guardian’ of the neighbor who I have been in conflict with and would like them locked up and force drugged so I tell mental health services I am his/her guardian, and have ‘spiked’ their food with date rape drugs and they have collapsed and are ready for the ‘treatment’. You know, like legal standards and burdens of proof? “suspect on reasonable grounds”?
My wife called the Mental Health Emergency Response Line and put them in touch with a Private Clinic psychologist who LIED and said I was a “patient” of the psychiatrist at that clinic. She offered them my confidential medical records given that they were obviously going to have me in their custody once I had been tortured and taken into custody unlawfully. This is a Federal offence. Based on the lie I was someones ‘patient’, the hospital Senior Medical Officer has then dispatched the Community Nurse to call police and have them assist in the ‘referral’ of a Private Clinic ‘mental patient’.
These are commonly called “remotes” and are not only frowned upon by the ‘industry’, they consist of a number of criminal offences.
Our lawmakers recognised the possibility of ‘medical staff’ using Police as their own personal thugs and kidnapping service, and thus inserted an offence into our Criminal Code. The hospital staff should have asked questions of me about who my ‘treating psychiatrist’ was, and then I should have been referred for an examination by THAT psychiatrist. However, their actions demonstrate that they were fully aware that what they were doing was criminal…… but it doesn’t matter much when you can conceal misconduct by “editing” legal narrative and denying victims access to effective legal representation.
Still with me here Hayden Hall?
You write;
“My take, boans, for what it is worth, is that there may be a general supposition that people who have been subject to the Mental Health System are mentally incapable, whether or not in fact they are”
This is why the ‘exploit’ works, smear the victim with the stink of mental health services, and then you can ‘fuking destroy’ them DESPITE the fact they are victims of crime. Police will actively assist in that process, despite having the documented proof provided to them.
“I don’t know that this helps.”
In fact, your attitude is the very reason that children continued to be raped by priests for 40 plus years. Oh the victim seems to be traumatised, we can’t understand why the child is acting the way it is. I know he and others keep saying they are being abused by the priest but……. “they wouldn’t do that”
But your not alone in your attitude, and inn fact it’s quite a common occurrence. There are however people who do have a level of intelligence to extract from my ramblings what the facts actually are. Your obviously struggling with the concept that a psychologist might lie about the status of a citizen to enable them to be ‘treated’ against their will. Do you also struggle with the idea that someone might not take no for an answer when they are asked for sex, and that refusal to participate may result in the unlawful use of force?
Don’t assume that I was a ‘mental patient’ before all of this occurred….. basic mistake. Don’t assume the child always acted in the manner it is at present….. something may have been done to them whilst in the ‘care’ of the local Church. Fairly basic logic in my opinion. Or are you a ‘chemical imbalance’ kinda guy?
Start at the beginning and work through the process methodically. That was why the hospital removed the Triage documents from the legal narrative, that was where the ‘status switch’ was made. If they didn’t ask how I became a ‘patient’ ie through a lie, then no problems, everything was done according to due process.
Ask who my ‘treating psychiatrist’ was and there is a major issue….. I didn’t have one, and using police to force me into an interrogation (and thus enabling the forging of Forms) and not informing me I had been ‘spiked’ with date rape drugs is called torture by definition of the Convention against the use of torture (something not ratified by the US)
So the lawyers could not be provided with the unredacted documents showing I wasn’t an “Outpatient”, they would recognise what had been done was criminal…….. so they needed to be provided with an “edited” set, and told to assist in throwing the victim of arbitrary detention and torture under a bus……. called criminal conspiring. But who is going to do anything when the criminals are hooked up with corrupt police who have ‘flagged’ the victim to ensure they don’t take the evidence/proof while the hospital sorts out it’s little problem? Police not happy when I turned up in a Police Station and tried to make a complain, making an immediate referral to mental health for my “hallucinating” before even touching the documented proof of what I am alleging….. they’re working together on cover ups of public sector misconduct.
The failure to report suspected misconduct to the authorities is a serious offence also….. but why would you bother when the documents had been “edited” and the victim had a little accident in the Emergency Dept and the Coroner can’t figure out where the drugs causing the overdose came from? I know they don’t want to know, but I can tell them.
Consider the possibilities with what was done to me being lawful? The lunch at Parliament House could be ‘spiked’ with date rape drugs and we could then subject the consumers to an “acute stress reaction” before asking them questions in Parliamentary Committees? I don’t know, I know one method used on me was to threaten to execute me and dump my body in the bush. That gets the heart pumping a little….. “acute stress reactions” being requested in calls to the Mental Health Emergency Response Line and provided with the assistance of Police.
an example of “acute stress reaction” for dummies. Imagine if this man wasn’t actually a “patient” would that make a difference for you? Because he is now in an ‘induced coma’ (chemical restraint) while they all get their story straight and “edit” the documents, and then deny access to legal representation.
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Hi again Hayden Hall
you write
“In the U.S., we now have a relatively new law that may shift the legal landscape some, however: This is the Americans With Disabilities Act; and, as distinct from parens patriae, it seeks to make the most of the capacity that any of us have.”
Your lucky to have people who have some respect for the laws that are passed. I have a letter here purporting to be from our Chief Psychiatrist where he literally removes the legal protections afforded the community and enables arbitrary detentions and acts of torture. The public here not even aware our laws are being rewritten to enable human rights abuses by people we didn’t even elect? The person charged with protecting “consumers, carers, and the community” and provides “expert legal advice to the Minister” doesn’t even know what a burden of proof is? Sounds crazy? Care to see the ‘proof’? (of course that letter was forged and uttered with by the Law Centre, thinking I was such a nutjob I’d never figure out what they were doing. Big mistake). The law doesn’t matter when you have post hoc “editing” and the slander of mental health to cover up.
Now I realise the way your suggesting my character has been impugned, but speaking the truth and demonstrating facts does not seem to me to be linked to the slander circulated about me by these frauds.
I was not, and am still not asking for my ‘mental state’ to be examined. I HAVE asked that a set of documents which clearly show criminal offences and human rights abuses be examined, and that was eventually done. The people who recognised what I was saying was the truth have used the slander I have been subjected to in order to obstruct justice.
‘They’ know I’m speaking the truth, and they laugh at the community so afraid to speak about public sector misconduct because of the threats to their families (see for example the psychologist who received the request from police for a ‘snow job’ who later stated “It never happened” and explained to me that he was “afraid for the safety of his family”………. The Orwell quote regarding the State saying of this or that even that it never happened was surely more scary than mere torture or death). Meh, I get it. If you knew what they said they would do to my grandchildren, these ‘heroes in uniform’ you’d possibly say “it never happened” too.
Point being that I had a psychiatrist (highly educated individual) say to me about the “edited” documents “they wouldn’t do that”. Which kind of threw me back a little given she was a smart woman…… I mean I KNEW they had done that, and didn’t expect her to believe me, ….. but how about you examine the evidence before making such a knee jerk statement? And whilst it had been assumed up to that point that Police had retrieved the documented proof of what I was saying (and were slandering me based on that manufactured truth), I still actually had the proof and it was examined by a Member of Parliament who confirmed my suspicions regarding the fraudulent nature of the documents, and the involvement of police in conspiring to pervert the course of justice.
And his admission that he needed “to work with police” in that regard rather worrying.
So statements such as “they wouldn’t do that” and “it never happened” need to be made AFTER examining what evidence/proof is available, not as a means to gaslight the victims of crime into thinking what they know to be true is up for question.
A similar situation arose regarding the fabrication of a statement attributed to my wife. “Wife afraid for her safety” (communicated matter), and “wife fears being assaulted if we leave”. My wife claimed that she had said “no such thing” and this was consistent with our relationship. She had never been afraid of me….. but she may have lied right? Though given the fact the Community Nurse fabricated other slanders it seems quite possible that he also fabricated this one? The psychiatrist claimed that my wife was so afraid of me she couldn’t tell me she was afraid…. so for years she was living in fear of me and I didn’t even know it…… and here was me thinking when she said she was the happiest she had even been she actually meant it? Not exactly the sort of mind fuk you would want from a psychiatrist but there it was…….. she speaks to the thoughts of my wife without even knowing her. I had never given my wife any reason to be afraid of me, she said she wasn’t afraid of me, but mental health services wanted her to be afraid of me so …… she was.
Personally I think it was the alcoholic, slandering forger Community Nurse projecting his wife beating tendencies onto every other man he came into contact with. He’s the one good man, out getting the ‘treatment’ (extra judicial beatings via the chemical kosh) should any damsel in distress require his white knight services. The shift of drug abuse and domestic violence to mental health services from police will no doubt be recognised as the disaster it is becoming some time down the track. These areas were “exclusions” from the Act, though the government obviously recognising the advantages of operating outside the law to effect the ‘desired changes’.
Police statements such as “insufficient evidence” are made when they are sure they haven’t taken the “proof” (statement of a lawyer regarding the allegation I was ‘spiked’ with date rape drugs) of the offending, and then ‘flag’ the victims on the system to ensure they DONT take the proof. Criminals appreciate such assistance, and well, this would have been obvious to the Member of Parliament who had access to the records before our meeting regarding the documents. (possibly wondering why police didn’t want the documents….. curiosity certainly demoted the cat in that instance lol)
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Listened to your song. It sure does seem like it is a set up. But I believe there is a higher law than man’s law and we are all subject to it.
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I once read an article (I can’t recall where) about a new mother who was experiencing “postpartum depression”. She went to see her gynecologist, but unfortunately she had to see someone she didn’t know. But this doctor (who happened to be a woman) freaked out and had her hauled off to a psych ward. Her ordeal was horrible, but she managed (with great difficulty) to eventually get out of there. But most telling was that when she told her story on Facebook, she received THOUSANDS of messages from women who had either experienced similar situations or were afraid to confide in their doctor because they had heard of what could happen if they did.
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Correction: it may not have been her gynecologist, it may have been her primary doctor. But it wasn’t a psychiatrist or mental health worker.
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I think what this woman did was very brave and much needed. There is a strength that comes from sharing your story. You also find out your not alone. I think the psychiatric system counts on people remaining quiet. The system is set up to separate the individual from the community and the family. We need to speak out more and put an end to this charade. There is definitely more power in numbers.
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Find the legal, internationally-accepted definitions for “GENOCIDE”, and the various international genocide treaties. Look carefully at what psychiatry, psychiatrists, and psych DRUGS do, on a daily basis, to MILLIONS of people globally, and the one inescaopable TRUTH, is that psychiatry is medicalized, socialized, heavily-marketed & advertized on TV, GENOCIDE….
Psychiatry is the practice of genocide threough PhRMA drugs, and “Community Mental Health Centers”….
Prove me wrong? Yeah, right….
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You tell the truth. One has only to look at the holocaust to see it.
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It may have been an ER doctor. But it wasn’t a psychiatrist, which wouldn’t have made much difference. And she had a supportive husband who objected to her being institutionalized, no matter how briefly.
And yes, the psychiatric system DEFINITELY counts on people remaining silent and is DEFINITELY set up to separate the individual from the community and the family. And speaking out is THE ONLY WAY to stop the charade of psychiatry. And there’s DEFINITELY power in numbers, which is EXACTLY why websites like MIA are so critically important.
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And psychiatric diagnoses often destroy people’s credibility, which is strange when a lot of psychiatrists are said to take psychiatric drugs themselves.
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I think smearing your character is part of the process, once you are labeled you no longer are to be trusted. You would think though after exposing themselves to their own drugs they would realize the damage these toxins can do and speak out against them.
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“…smearing your character…” is psychiatry’s main function, recognized or not. And few psychiatrists (and few therapists for that matter) are able to see or care how harmful psychiatric labels and drugs are. And most of those that do lack the courage to speak out against these shameful practices. It’s a thoroughly criminal enterprise, imo.
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I more than appreciate ‘Mad in America’. There is no site like this one. Whitaker’s books along with Dr. Peter Breggin’s are still my mainstay. Found many psychiatrists and psychologists here that do not adhere to the biological model or drugging individuals. It helps to have all this information in one place. The evidence is overwhelming of the malfeasance that is rampant in psychiatry. I really feel humbled that my own story was considered.
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Psychiatry is malfeasance, imo. And those who claim otherwise have a lot to learn.
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A sorry performance from the medico, as post partum “depression” can frequently be relieved with zinc salts with the (sometimes) addition of B6 to make them more effective. High serum copper, which the zinc antagonizes, is a common culprit in these post partum events.
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Thank you for mentioning this. What is practiced in psychiatry is harmful and toxic to the brain and body. Most of this is unnecessary as nutrition, supplementation of vitamins and minerals, and paying attention to rest and sleep can help the body overcome many situations where psychiatric intervention is sought.
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“What is practiced in psychiatry is harmful to the brain and body. Most of this is unnecessary….”
Yes! Most people have a much better chance of attaining some kind of positive equilibrium without disabling “psychiatric medications” or invalidating “psychotherapy”. But few psychiatrists (and few psychotherapists for that matter) are able to see or care how harmful psychiatric drugs and labels can actually be, and most aren’t likely to change their minds any time soon.
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You know, I think about the damage that was done to me by ‘mental health services’ (because in the end the psychiatrist who stated he could “find no evidence of a mental illness” and thus released me back into the community DESPITE the claim I was a violent, psychotic drug abusing wife beater, didn’t actually do me any harm at all).
Though I think that the real damage was done by the way the Mental Health Law Centre dealt with my attempt to access the protection of the law.
Can you imagine my surprise to find out that they delayed drafting a letter of complaint to the Chief Psychiatrist as long as they possibly could (2 years), and even then the letter was NOT what I had detailed as being my complaint, but a mish mash of wrongly worded half assed allegations….. though eventually you go ahead in the hope that it can be sorted with an ‘investigation’.
So the letter of complaint is forwarded to the Chief Psychiatrist….. oh wait, no it wasn’t. The hospital had been informed of the problem with the documents I had already received via the FOI process….. that is, that they had conspired to pervert the course of justice over the ‘spiking’ with date rape drugs, and I had the proof. The other matter, that is that I was NOT an “Outpatient” and this lie to police had been used to arbitrarily detain me and subject me to acts of torture remained concealed from me for more than 4 years….. though I am certain that the Law Centre lawyers were fully aware that this was what they were conspiring to conceal with the hospital administrators.
So Boans is disadvantaged as much as possible, family destroyed, property taken (not even a photograph of my mother and father, never mind my passport, birth certificate etc) thrown out of my home by police (using the VRO to separate me from my documents and allow my wife and her ‘new man’ time to go through and retrieve what the hospital wanted returned, that is the documents showing the ‘spiking’ with date rape drugs AND the Forms for an “Outpatient” which I never was)
Still, after the gaslighting by all and sundry (didn’t they ALL have reason to cheer if I were dead?) I walked in front of a truck, and spent 7 months in hospital. And then contacted the Mental Health Law Centre about the unfinished draft letter of complaint to the Chief Psychiatrist. They needed to check that the documents showing the misconduct by the public officers had been retrieved before they ‘moved forward’.
So they ‘visit’ me in the hospital, and feel confident that I no longer have the documents the hospital wanted returned to conceal their criminal conduct. I had no idea that the “edited” set of documents the Mental Health Law Centre had received was actually a fraudulent legal narrative……. placing my trust in the legal mechanisms that protect the human and civil rights of the community (surely the hospital wouldn’t commit acts of fraud and utter with forged documents? They’re public officers with a duty?)
So the draft letter of complaint is tightened up a little (whilst checking if I am now devoid of any proof) and the letter supposedly sent to the Chief Psychiatrist. A response is received by the Law Centre (or so they claim) and then then send me a letter saying they had received a response from the Chief Psychiatrist but they don’t have the resources to read it.
Which had this actually been true would have been really lucky for ALL mental health workers in the State. Why? Because it shows that the person responsible for the protections of the Mental Health Act doesn’t have a clue what they are…… and they could literally snatch anyone they like from their bed and torture them, and not a thing would be said.
This was NOT the scenario. The letter of response was FORGED and then UTTERED by the Mental Health Law Centre on the assumption that I could no longer prove the offending by the staff at the hospital. The matter was now CLOSED, and my approaches to other lawyers was headed off because the first call they made was to the Mental Health Law Centre to ask about the matters…… response something like, he’s a nut job wife beater and there’s nothing in the claim…….. except, how confusing when I present them with the proof? Woops……. ummmm Houston you have a problem. Not only can I prove the misconduct re the arbitrary detention, but now I can prove the conspiring to pervert, forge and utter, and a host of other little problems for those involved (see the emails from the Minister for Mental Health for example defending the content of the forged letter from the Chief Psychiatrist. And the ‘laughing letter’ from the Shadow Minister. “The Minister has been derelict in her duty” outside Parliamentary privilege?)
A number of ‘lines of inquiry’ were active at this time. Possibly the one which resulted in actual action was the Council of Official Visitors CEO (an expert in Mental Health law) suggesting she would take the letter and my complaint about the inability of the Chief Psychiatrist to know what a burden of proof (and thus the legal protection for the community from arbitrary detentions) to their weekly meeting.
She then unread my emails/letters (having a duty can be a problem at times, so being able to unread documented proof of crimes saves having to report to the authorities while the matter is ‘sorted out’ minus any proof. See the Operations managers “formal investigation” that produced ZERO documents) and said they could provide me with no assistance. I often wonder about the way the Chief Psychiatrist felt when he realised the Mental Health Law Centre was forging and uttering with letters and putting his name to them. Perhaps I should have taken the opportunity presented to “Meet the Chief Psychiatrist”? At that time I was still being fooled that this was HIS work, and my attitude towards the author of that letter was that they were a disgusting animal……. still, isn’t that the sort of poison that spreads from such fraud? A Principle of a Law Centre who is charged with protecting some very vulnerable people from abuses, is actively engaged in perpetuating those abuses? Not like the State government could really do much about it, given she was running for Federal Parliament right? Just the sort of corrupt individual we want in that sort of position? Someone who knows how to ‘close up a serious complaint about human rights abuses and acts of torture, and assist in the ‘fuking destruction’ of the complainants by conspiring to pervert the course of justice? “Just doing my job”? I’m sure that the funding for the Law Centre which is doing a lot of good work for the mentally ill was at stake…….and they did get a significant increase, BMWs for everyone yay. For concealing such an insignificant matter? One man dies, we all get BMWs? I don’t think this was an “isolated incident” at all. I get the impression that a lot of people have been harmed and when they sought assistance from legal professionals with a duty, they too were thrown under a bus……. and how many dead?
So in my instance (and possibly many others) the damage wasn’t actually done by psychiatry. It was the people charged with protecting human rights who were knowingly neglecting their duty….. in fact committing criminal offences against their ‘clients’ that are doing the real harm. If it weren’t for this criminal negligence, the people using ‘mental health services’ in the manner that is causing harm would not have room to operate due to the protections afforded the community by the law.
Would the Community Nurse be calling Police for assistance with his “Outpatients” (and thus arbitrarily detaining citizens despite the Criminal Code protection) had he been held to account for what he did to me? Well, it would have been difficult from a prison cell, though he does to this day enjoy subjecting ‘mental patients’ to the sort of abuses that made him laugh in my face for saying I would have something done about his crimes. I think he actually enjoys the power of deliberately harming vulnerable people personally, though I understand why others give him the benefit of the doubt.
I suppose I could track this back to psychiatry, but it was more about what a bunch of criminals have done for me whilst concealing themselves behind the mask of ‘mental health services’. And Police happy to engage and become co conspirators in that process……. ‘flagging’ individuals to ensure they are ‘locked out’ from the protection of the law whilst they provide that material assistance to organised criminals (whose watching? I know that was a real worry and resulted in Police needing to steal my laptop, and threaten witnesses into silence Sorry to the Psychologist and Social Worker, they don’t really mean it when they threaten your families (but mental health services do, the Operations Manager absolutely decimating my family, and quite open about her threats to do so…. must have the support of someone important?), it just a ‘coercive’ technique, like the ‘mock executions’ they do on 8 year old aboriginal children.)
Shame that lawyers can’t even be trusted, and are not pursuing human rights abuses zealously (possibly the result of threats from the State?) It might explain why ‘mental health services’ is the fuking mess it is? While the cats away, the mice turn to rats.
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I am sorry you have had to go through all this. It truly wreaks a person’s life and destroys their peace and trust. I can relate to the police being co conspirators. Anytime the EMT’s and police have been in my home they have never been helpful and I find out later things were said that were not true. It is so hard to fight or remove anything that is in your medical record no matter how inaccurate it is.
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Oh, Tammy, Tammy, Tammy!…. I really am so sorry that you, too, had to learn the AWFUL TRUTH!
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience, a drug racket, and a mechanism of social control. It’s 21st Century Phrenology, with potent neuro-toxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do, FAR MORE HARM than good. So-called “mental illnesses” are exactly as “real” as presents from Santa Claus, but NOT more real…. The DSM is in fact better seen as a catalog of billing codes. Everything in it was either invented or created. NOTHING in it was discovered. Psychiatry is FRAUD. But it $ELLS DRUG$….
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It took me a long time to find all of this out. When I was first labeled, the pc was not prevalent and access to information was limited. I went many years thinking well maybe this could be true. I experienced a lot of anxiety. I didn’t know that lithium could be the cause. It wasn’t until I found out about Dr. Peter Breggin that I realized how I had been totally deceived. I can’t begin to tell you how much money they have taken from me. The trauma is unreal.
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The mental, psychiatric pharmaceutical movement is a rampant Industry.
Plain and simple.
It is about the money.
People’s health matters none Unless it affects the
industry’s fiduciary bottom line.
The industry is lying to itself and everyone else in claiming it is doing a major service to anyone.
A vast many truly hope the millions to billions of beings devastated by that despotic industry-aggrandizement will significantly eulogize that industry, in part or in full, from now on.
We, collectively, have better answers than palliative care and systemic annihilation of life at this point.
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I agree. Psychiatry takes already vulnerable people who are suffering and compounds their suffering. There are far more loving ways to help individuals who need support.
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Thank you for replying. Thank you for adding a clear account to the growing relation of experiences about the problem. I, and millions of others, deeply understand the barbarism of the “mental industry” that has been profitting, profiteering, and proliferating, uninhibited, worse than any epidemic ever has.
Thank you for all that you do to inspire needed change.
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Thank you for taking the time to read my story and caring.
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“the barbarism of the mental health industry”.
THAT’S it in a nutshell.
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Psychiatry is predatory medicine.
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Birdsong writes, “Psychiatry is predatory medicine.”
Very heartbreaking stories concern what happened when the C.I.A. and Army used psychiatry as a mode of finding how to control people, use people, break people down. Those are very concrete, definite histories of some very predatory uses of psychiatry.
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A fascinating read: “Psychiatry’s Failure Crisis: Are You Moderately or Radicalized Enlightened?” by Bruce Levine, PhD.
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Speaking of ‘radicalised’, I have just been examining some suggested changes to the Criminal Code which seems (I need to look deeper) to shift Islamic fundamentalist convicted of terrorism related charges into the arena of “undiagnosed mental illness”. Whilst the benefits to the Muslim community of not being associated with the violence of these individuals is clear, what doesn’t seem to get mentioned is that those with ‘mental health problems’ will now be associated with the violence perpetrated by these people.
In the same manner the spree shooters are brought into the fold?
What also doesn’t seem to get discussed is the accuracy of the “diagnostic assessment tools”. The term sounds reasonable, but are people other than the ‘assessors’ aware that it is simply a checklist, and people with no common ground can be ‘diagnosed’ with the same ‘illness’?
I think this is an area that is fraught with dangers to both Muslims AND those who have been unfortunate to have been slandered with psychiatric labels…….. but the concealment of ‘coercive methods’ under the guise of medicine must be alluring to some.
See for example the way the German guy who was in Gitmo (sold by the people who kidnapped him in Pakistan working for a charity) wouldn’t have his hand smashed during his interrogation looked at by a doctor……. because the chances were it would be amputated for a broken fingernail.
“And God sends upon them a Great delusion, that they might believe the Lie” (2 Thess. 2)
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Hayden Hall,
The army and CIA weren’t the first to use psychiatry as a tool to control people. Psychiatry is routinely used by oppressive governments to silence and imprison dissidents.
Read what happened in Nazi Germany: “Psychiatry During the Nazi Era: ethical questions for the modern professional” from the Annals of General Psychiatry.
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heavy /s/ on the word “eulogize”, or can be replaced by a strong “condemn”
The actions of that industry are consistently ruing life potential on Earth towards billions of individuals now.
May we all clarify our collective understanding and change our world’s trajectory, and support and care for those still alive who are true victims of a very exclusively executed Crime Against The Whole Of Life.
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heavy /s/ on eulogy
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Each generation looks back at the one before with horror and wonders how could they have done such awful things in the name of ‘treatment’ while thinking rather smugly that our own generation has it right and its all science backed – then of course history repeats over and over in this self interested, corporate greed fest. At least in previous generations when someone came at you with an icepick you had an idea this might go badly wrong.
Now we’re all so thoroughly conditioned into a pill for every ill we think surely those pretty little things surely are science backed? surely the regulators like the MHRA are not nearly completely (87%ish) funded and staffed by industry people? surely thats just a conspiracy theory, right?
Meanwhile bodies and brains are damaged left and right, lives are ruined and way more harm is being done than ever before. Somehow everyone is an armchair psychiatrist or DSM zombie labelling themselves and their friends like its a game and encouraging people to go to mental (ill) health services.
DSM disordering leads to scraps from the table – reasonable adjustments in the disordered school, or reasonable adjustments in the disordered work place or welfare benefits – all useful for the individual while obfuscating and maintaining the multifaceted cultural disorders for us all and turning more and more people into psychiatric consumers.
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“DSM disordering leads to scraps from the table….all useful for the individual while obfuscating and maintaining the multifaceted cultural disorders for us all and turning more and more people into psychiatric consumers.”
Brilliantly stated. “Personality disorders” be damned.
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It is such a sad commentary on what the reality is now. The more we become accustom to the impact of psychiatry on all of life, we loose our ability to relate and have empathy and care for our loved ones. Instead, we give up our responsibilities to an impersonal and destructive system and think we are actually giving the person much needed
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“…we give up our responsibilities to an impersonal and destructive system…”
So very true and so very sad…
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Psychiatrist: “OK, here’s your new script for Haldol, 500mg., and another for 500mg Thorazine. You’ll sleep 18 hours a day, and be logie the other 6. But with your HUD-funded housing voucher administered through the local landlord cabal, and your EBT Food Stamps/Cash assistance card good at Farmer’s Markets and CVS Pharmacy, and your SSI & SSDI debit card good ANYWHERE for ANYTHING, plus your daily social media, hey. you can walk, take the bus, get a ride from friends, of just stay home and isolate. What a glorious, compassionate life we give you!” Right?”….
Psychiatric patient: “R.I.P.”-anonymous….
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Tammy, I am so sorry you’ve been experiencing such an ordeal over so many years. Very sadly, the fact of your writing to the Mad in America blog, and entering into conversation with others who have been subject to the Mental Health System, do not alone protect you from more of the same of what you have been going through.
For what it’s worth, here are some off-the-cuff thoughts towards helping yourself to be more safe.
1) Acquaint yourself with the terms of existing mental health law in your state. My impression is, you might be in Missouri. Here, for example, is a link to a web page with some information about the rules in play there: https://dmh.mo.gov/behavioral-health/help/civil
As I glance over said web page, it suggests to me the rules are skewed in favor of those who may somehow perceive something is the matter with another person. It might be said, the rules are less oriented towards helping a person who may be deemed mentally ill than towards providing comfort and support for those who are concerned about such a person. It must still be the case that there are protections in Missouri as elsewhere against abuse of vulnerable people. I encourage you to try to find what protections there are, and to write those protections on your heart.
2) While faith and belief can be important and life-sustaining, in maintaining them I suggest you must become wise as a serpent, to coin a phrase. In my own life this year, I interfaced on one occasion with a psychologist who seemed to me very clearly to be of the conviction that religiosity, so to speak, constitutes mental illness per se. Concurrently, I could see that this clinician maintained what was, in my view, a naive understanding of the DSM — as, if you will, a literally inspired and infallible Word of Psychiatry. Not!!!! Being wise as a serpent requires you to become discerning in regard to all of the clinical people you encounter along your life’s way. It is not necessary to demonize them in whatever way; but, in order for you to keep yourself safe, it is imperative that you grow in insight as to what is going on with these people.
3) Learn to understand and know that you are the keeper of the secrets of your own heart — and psyche, so that, whatever concerned family members and clinical people you encounter may say is the case about you, those things do not separate you from the reality of what is going on inside of you.
4) Learn to practice a delicate balancing act, of cooperating to the extent you must with what is unhelpful on the one hand, and, on the other hand, asserting your own awareness of what would be more helpful when it is safe to do so.
As I would understand, contemporary psychiatry has a lot riding on a concept of ‘anosognosia,’ as, a lot of what they do harmfully to those of us who are subject to the Mental Health System presupposes that we do not know what is going on inside of our own minds and bodies. Becoming aware of this concept that they have is another step towards effectiveness in navigating the Mental Health System.
5) Be aware that you do not know what your loved ones have going on inside. For example, your two sons could be quietly torn up inwardly, from witnessing injustice while also having been told the injustice is somehow ‘necessary.’ If you are able to become more skillful at managing the Mental Health System instead of letting that System always manage you, this could aid in improving relationships with those loved ones who matter most to you!! Only, just be aware always that healing of any sort can take time, and may require much patience.
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Thank you so much Hayden for all your good advice and I appreciate the link and yes I do live in Missouri. I have found that it does not matter how long it has been since your last hospitalization, you will be treated unfairly. With my last hospitalizations, it had been over 8 years. No one mentioned this especially the psychiatrists I saw there. The word ‘healing’ is a foreign concept to psychiatry, and they never give you much hope in this regard. I also appreciate the advice on my sons. We have never really talked about all this. Most of their information they have gotten from my husband and others, and I don’t think they even know the circumstances of how their mother came to be embroiled in psychiatry. I think they assume a lot. That is why I appreciate the fact that ‘Mad in America’ has given me the opportunity to share my story. I am hoping it will give me the ability to finally open honest communication about this subject with them.
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Thank you for sharing your story. I , too, have nothing good to say about psychiatry. It’s not only stay-at-home moms that are treated inhumanely by psychiatry. I spent 16 years in and out of hospitasl with a change in diagnosis almost every time – whatever was being written about in the journals at the time. And some things were so off the wall that their actions made no sense at all! And they only caused more trauma!
i had an article published in Mad in America a few months ago. After that I decided to publish my book through Amazon, notes I had been taking for 15 years about my experiences with the mental health profession. “August 20, 1985: The Day My Psychotic Episodes Ended.” That day I became free.
I’m an 83-year old woman still trying to get the word out that “mental illness” doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Sometimes it’s a healing experience in spite of orthodox psychiatry.
May you find peace.
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Thank you, Hazel Gay. I am so sorry for all you have had to experience at the hands of this terrible system. People’s suffering and trauma is never validated with labels and the drugs only serve to blunt and numb the person’s mind and spirit. It is such an impersonal and uncaring way to treat people. I would imagine that writing your book would have given you a new power and energy over all that has happened to you within the system. Being able to share it with others helps them to know they too are not alone. But I think more importantly the public needs to have a new kind of PR campaign. One in which truth it is part of the narrative. It seems to me that is exactly what you have done with your book so I ordered it. Look forward to reading it. I wish you all the best for the future.
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Hazel Gay, I received your book and I am appreciating reading it. The title itself is very intriguing. I wish I had the foresight to have made notes throughout my ordeal. Thank you so much for publishing it. It truly helps me to be able to learn about what others have experienced.
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Hazel says, “‘mental illness doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Sometimes it’s a healing experience in spite of orthodox psychiatry.”
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There was a time not so long ago when a person’s problems with functioning were seen more for what they actually were: normal reactions to overwhelming stress from past experiences or current situations, and so-called “mental illness” or “disorders” were regarded as the mind’s way of expressing things too difficult too face, handle, or endure. It was a wise, compassionate approach. But psychiatry had other ideas.
And anyone who believes that life doesn’t give you more than you can handle hasn’t dealt with psychiatry.
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Thank you Tammy, for sharing your riveting story. Unfortunately I fear it’s an all too common one, but your submitting it to MIA helps publicize the fact that “psychiatric patients” are more than a “diagnosis”.
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Thank you, Birdsong. I must agree with you. Psychiatric drugging is on the rise. I hope that the situation changes but I don’t foresee it in the near future.
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You’re welcome, Tammy. I don’t see it happening in the near future either, but I do believe it’ll happen sooner than expected (if that makes sense), thanks to the internet.
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It makes perfect sense. My first dose of truth about Psychiatry was on YouTube. I watched Dr. Peter Breggin’s video series ‘The simple truth’s about Psychiatry’ These videos are now banned on YouTube but you can still find them on alternative media sites like Brighteon.
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Thank you, Tammy.
Youtube was also where I learned the truth about psychiatry. And Dr. Breggin’s videos are among the best. I can still find them on YouTube, though.
And it’s also how I learned of Alice Miller’s books, which were equally transforming.
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Bluebird, I probably should have used the word ‘censored’ instead of banned. A lot of what was on Breggins’ channel was at one point taken down. Not due to his revealing videos on Psychiatry but due to his stance on COVID. I had posted a video of his on Facebook in 2021 and they took that down as well. He did put a lot of His content on other forums which I think is wise. I am glad that you still can find the ‘simple truths of Psychiatry’ on YouTube. These are such important videos for someone to come across.
I was unaware of who Alice Miller was. I found quite a few videos on YouTube along with the oral reading of her book ‘The drama of the Gifted Child’. Thank you for mentioning her and the audio book actually comes in very handy.
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I read Breggin’s “Toxic Psychiatry” in about 1992….
in 1994, I was hospitalized for 2 weeks, when I went toxic on Trazodone, because the local “community mental health center” NEVER took a blood level test….
By 1996, I became 100% PSYCH DRUG FREE, and PSYCHIATRY-FREE…. Thank God. Today, I’m healthier & happier than ever….
But, the STIGMA they imposed on me still follows me around like an ankle chain….
Who knew, that at age 15, in 10th grade, I would receive the civil equivalent of a SENTENCE of “life without possibility of parole”?….
The lies of the pseudoscience of psychiatry are pernicious….
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I read with interest your story, especially how it affected your relationship with your family. I’m so sorry it negatively affected it. We Christians have missed the boat and forgotten that we are called to sacrifice ourselves for one another and help those who feel weak. It makes me so sad that family has lost sight of our calling to help our struggling loved ones.
I hope you and your family find healing and someone can help them move past the simplistic caricatures that our culture promotes of those experiencing mental distress.
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Thank you so much, Sam. I think there is always forgiveness but there is also responsibility and accountability as well. You actually need all three. I think the Church has succumbed in a large part to the culture, where farming out the elderly, children, the most vulnerable and suffering to these systems that are now set up. We are loosing our ability to have compassion, to nurture and to identify with our loved ones because we choose what is most expedient for the individual. I appreciate your thoughts and your care. Thank you for your interest
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I think what you described is far too common. Toxicity leading to alter states and then forced hospitalizations. I was given 1200mg of lithium, the highest therapeutic dose possible for years. Why they needed me that doped up I will never know. Wellbutrin was added for 12 years. This was never explained to me. Most but not all, of my incarcerations, I was toxic on lithium. But of course, this is never emphasized by the doctors. You are led to believe everywhere you turn that lithium prevents mania. I was given my drugs whether I got a blood test or not. In the past I didn’t have insurance and couldn’t always afford it.
I am so glad that you were able to break free of the drugs because really this is the whole crux of the matter. I think for myself I could deal with just the stigma as long as I was without taking the drugs. It is a testament to the absurdity of drugging an individual when one is able to live well without them. There really is too much risk involved with all the psyche drugs and very difficult to come off, as I am sure that you know.
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Your article inspired me, thank you.
This is a second hand account of a dependant whose mother was diagnosed (labeled) manic depression with no chance of recovery.
I do remember it all after her initial nervous breakdown. It was shortly after her fourth child with two more to follow. The memory is horrific and to long and sordid to cover here. Lobotomies were on the way out but shock treatment was avail.
Somewhat understandable, long-term psychoanalysis was the curable prescription but not the one chosen.
Prescribed:200mg. Thorazine3x daily and 5mg.upper huh. This then 8year old child new this concogt. was useless.
To this day I study psychology in attempt to discern goings on. I realize its possible to have it labeled incurable.
Cannot run from it, hide and no escaping it.
Love and understanding.
More to follow.
Thank you.
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Thank you for your interest in reading my story and your kind remarks. After I wrote my account, I remembered so much more that I wished I had included. I might have to write a sequel to cover those things. I also think this is the standard line in psychiatry i.e. “It’s incurable.” Healing is such a foreign concept to the system. It reminds me of Dante’s line ‘Abandon all hope ye who enter here.’ It is so terrible to write off people in that way. That is a very sad story and indictment on the ‘help’ one is given.
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Operation Paperclip was a U.S. endeavor to appropriate the skills of Nazi scientists, as an aid in opposing the Soviet Union. Some of the Nazi scientists —one or more— was/were doctors who had conducted experiments on people without the people’s consent. Our Army and C.I.A. then put a key Nazi doctor to work in experimenting in ways to interrogate people. They euphemistically called the endeavor Operation Bluebird, as dosing subjects with all kinds of drugs was supposed to make them sing like birds. No relation between Operation Bluebird and our own Birdsong, I am sure!
So, yes, Nazi doctors enacted psychiatric torture before American doctors did; and, yes, American doctors and researchers studied to learn what Nazi doctors knew.
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I am familiar with Operation Paperclip. Operation Bluebird is new to me but it sounds like the MK-Ultra project where the CIA gave LSD to unsuspecting Americans and other drugs for purposes of mind control. I think the Russian intelligence also used psyche drugs.
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MK-ULTRA grew out of Operation Bluebird.
I expect Russian intelligence probably did use ming-altering drugs. And, it may be even much harder to find out what they did do, than it is to learn about what people working for our government (Army, C.I.A.) did.
Remembering that there were (and are) probably very real things to be afraid of in what Russians, Chinese, North Koreans could and would do can provide some perspective.
It’s important to maintain some perspective, but, that does not at all lessen the harm that people suffered –and may still suffer in interrogation situations: I don’t know that we know– at the hands of our own government.
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Thank you for that information, Hayden. I have always believed the C.I.A. is and has always operated as rogue counterintelligence agency. It seems to me that Congress has siphons off its powers to unaccountable government departments to make it more difficult for the American people to have full accountability and disclosure.
Although your mention of the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and other governmental bodies that incorporate these type of techniques, they operate under a different system than our own, namely communism. But we are not immune to these kinds of abuses. Many in the public are not even aware of the MK ultra-project and the forces behind it including the C.I.A. involvement with bringing Nazi war criminals to the US.
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“They euphemistically called the endeavor Operation Bluebird, as dosing subjects with all kinds of drugs was supposed to make them sing like birds”
Benzodiazepines, and then put a pistol to their heads and threaten to execute to cause an “acute stress reaction”?
The request for the “acute stress reaction” usually the ‘tell’ on the documentation. Works an absolute treat, or at least it did in my instance……(though the Community Nurse still had to fabricate the ‘evidence’ because the truth I spoke under his torture didn’t actually suit his purpose. This being where torture tends to go extremely wrong). How insane is it to beat someone when they speak the truth, and stop when they tell you the lies you want to hear?
And given that Muslims tend to not imbibe intoxicants for their whole lives, the use of such methods by my State (without their consent or knowledge….. how can they consent if the facts are kept from them?)
Unit 731 not spoken about a lot. I also note no reference to any psychiatric links………
“It routinely conducted tests on people who were dehumanized and internally referred to as “logs”.” Oh, ‘mental patients’?
American grant of immunity
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No psychiatrist ever said to me, “Therapy may not be what you need”
No psychologist ever said to me, “Therapy may not be what you need”
No MFCC ever said to me, “Therapy may not be what you need”
No MSW ever said to me, “Therapy may not be what you need”
I wonder why…..
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And NO psychiatrist EVER said to me, “Medication may not be what you need.”
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Birdsong, I think if I heard this come out of a psychiatrist’s mouth, I would faint. That is why I love Dr. Peter Breggin so much because he advocates for treatment without drugs. I love the man!
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So do l! He is a wonderful human being.
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Tammy, thank you for a well written and compelling blog that demonstrates just how destructive psychiatry is. Your first paragraph sure captures the never ending harm spurious psychiatric labels bring. Mainstream media avoids these issues so the average person does not realize what goes on in psychiatry until it affects them or a loved one. Very grateful to MIA for shining a light on these issues and for giving a voice to those who were exploited, oppressed and harmed by the tangled web of psychiatry. Sending you best of wishes and I hope you keep writing.
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Thank you, Rosalee for all your kind sentiments. I think what I would really like to get across to the public about what I have gone through is how it so unnecessary. How your entire life and future can hinge on the judgement of one psychiatrist. People tend to listen to doctors. They revere them even. So when you are at a placed in a situation where your critical thinking skills are at a low or maybe not operating at all or you have no idea what psychiatry is truly about, you do not question what is told you. I have often thought what many of us need is love and understanding, not more judgement and condemnation. I appreciate the fact that you took time to read my story.
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“How your entire life and future can hinge on the judgement of one psychiatrist. People tend to listen to doctors.”
Problem for me has been the opposite once again.
In my State it is a crime to procure someone not suffering from a mental illness. So a Community Nurse has police snatch me out of my bed and I am tortured and kidnapped….. taken to a locked ward for the usual ‘treatment’.
Problem being that the psychiatrist who examined me could find “no evidence of a mental illness” (mainly because the Community Nurse had fabricated it in his forged documents for his colleagues to utter with should their be any problems with his vile deeds).
So how much more would the police need than the word of a psychiatrist (in writing) that I had been procured when I had no mental illness? Though it might explain why they had trouble finding their copy of the Criminal Code ….. still, such corrupt conduct on the part of the Police is hardly surprising.
“Some of those at work forces, are the same that burn crosses.”
Interesting that the infiltration of the Police Service by homosexuals via the methods described by Antonio Gramschi has been successful, and yet the attempts by people of colour has failed miserably. I wonder why?
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I am so sorry that this has happened to you. It is so disturbing that someone can be treated that way. It puts you in such a helpless situation.
What you describe is the power that is wielded by psychiatry and how it has infiltrated every aspect of social, political, justice and educational barriers. You do not need a “mental illness” to be declared “mentally ill”. Someone can just dislike your political speech or maybe just take a disliking to you personally and make an accusation. Especially if the person is already carrying a label, the person is scrutinized and can be held for a psyche evaluation. Refusal is not always the best approach either. The police can intervene and personally escort you to hospital. I read Wayne Ramsey’s ‘The Case Against Psychiatry’ and other essays he has written. He was a pro bono lawyer with Psyche rights. He quoted a percent and I forget where he got the number of those who lied or stretched the truth to have a person incarcerated. So, it does happen that those involved from the police to family members to psychiatrists twist the truth. Judges too rubber stamp what psychiatrists recommend without looking into each specific case.
I have read that (and this is not an answer to your question) that more blacks are labeled disproportionately compared to whites with Schizophrenia. I am not quite sure why that is, but it seems a bit unfair to me.
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“What you describe is the power that is wielded by psychiatry and how it has infiltrated every aspect of social, political, justice and educational barriers.”
Important point Tammy…… this is NOT the power wielded by psychiatry…. these were criminal offences…. the section of the Criminal Code is 336 Procuring the apprehension or detention of a person NOT suffering from a mental illness (as defined in the MHA). Attributing this ability to arbitrarily detain and torture to these people is exactly how they get away with it.
“You do not need a “mental illness” to be declared “mentally ill”.”
BUT you DO need a treating psychiatrist (that’s the law, and the Community Nurse was fully aware I did not have a treating psychiatrist and therefore he was knowingly breaking the law. If i’d had such a psychiatrist, he would have simply named him/her on the Forms to meet the “Criteria” set out in the Act)…. something which it was KNOWN was a standard I did not meet. Hence the need to forge documents and lie to police to have them apprehend me and create the appearance that I was a ‘police referral’ under the Mental Health Act. Hence the need to conceal the crimes committed.
Keep that fact in mind. If you have a ‘treating psychiatrist’ (ie a referral for 1 year from your G.P/PCP) then you can be considered to meet the criteria in the MHA of being a person suffering from a mental illness…….. speaking to a clinic psychologist with a Masters degree does NOT make you mentally ill or a mental patient. The psychologist can make a referral if they have personally examined a person within the prior 48 hours, but outside of that they would be breaking the law and violating their code of conduct and ethics…. unless they have a husband who is a ‘shock doc’ that is doing a few nasties for the State, then he can arrange to have the victim ‘unintentionally negatively outcomed’ in the E.D. for a carton of beer (prefers Corona stubbies) while the police fail to perform their duty by taking the documented proof of the offending (another criminal offence).
“Someone can just dislike your political speech or maybe just take a disliking to you personally and make an accusation.”
These are “exclusions” in the MHA, and would not allow a person to be lawfully ‘referred’ (though there are ways around this if you have corrupt colleagues you can rely on to ‘fuking destroy’ anyone who tries to complain about your human rights abuses.
“I forget where he got the number of those who lied or stretched the truth to have a person incarcerated.”
One needs to be careful when completing statutory declarations under the Oaths, Affidavits and Statutory Declarations Act, as to forge such documentation is the equivalent of perjury. And this document which was produced to conceal the criminal offence mentioned above wouldn’t stand up to much scrutiny at all….. in fact the hospital needed police to retrieve documents I had obtained via FOI before uttering with that statutory declaration. A real issue when you can then prove not only the forged document, but also to conspiring to pervert the course of justice and uttering with known forged documents right?
There are legal precedents which have been set to define when a ‘distortion’ becomes a lie. In my instance the test was applied, and the Chief Psychiatrist actually did the test showing not only that the documents was a forgery, but that it actually deceived him into inferring “reasonable grounds” when it was clear there were none.
Consider that fact for a moment…… the Chief Psychiatrist tested the document and it deceived him….. and the standard for “non compliance” with the Act?
“The validity of an oath, affirmation or statutory declaration is not affected by the fact that the person taking or making it does not use the exact words required as long as the words actually used do not materially affect the substance of the exact words and are not likely to mislead.”
Not likely to mislead? I have a letter from the Chief Psychiatrist showing the statutory declaration misled him ……unless of course he was simply uttering with a Form he KNEW was forged for the concealment of an arbitrary detention and torture of a citizen? Think he did his homework before writing that letter?
The fact is he didn’t write that letter. It was forged by the lawyers at the Mental Health Law Centre in response to their complaint lodged on my behalf based on the “edited” legal narrative they had accepted from the hospital concerned. They fixed the game…… and conspired to pervert the course of justice….
I’m certain as a result of my research that the system in the US is different. But I’d be careful attributing such powers to people when there are laws designed to protect the community from such ‘rogue’ mental health workers who try and ‘bluff’ people into thinking they have unlimited powers….. and I guess when you take into account they are murdering anyone with a valid complaint, maybe they do?
Bit of a disagreement over how these matters should have been resolved I’m afraid…. one group thinking killing me in the E.D. the best solution…..another thinking they’d watch and see where these people would run with their ‘little problem’ and interrupted them at the last moment. Both groups keeping their mouths shut over the matters in the E.D. and no one wants the evidence I have regarding those events (in fact one police officer telling me after understanding the ,motive for the attempt….. “it might be best I don’t know about that”….. an attempted murder and he doesn’t want the evidence/proof? hmmmmm. Then let me talk to someone who does…… Inspector? Nope, out of it…. can’t help the criminals AND the victims, a conflict of interest there.)
They covered up the matter (or so they thought) by having the Law Centre play ‘lets pretend’ to be the Chief Psychiatrist and get the proof back from the victim. No point taking the documents back until they found out where these people would go with their ‘little problem’. My they must have been sweating when I went to the Police the first time…… fuk fuk fuk, he’s got the documents and is not putting them on the table in a police station? Fortunately Sgt was prepared to do them a ‘favor’ and provide them with a window of opportunity to deal with their ‘little problem’….but you better be quick…… which makes me smile when I think about how they were ‘set up’ lol
The look on that fuks face when they interrupted him in the middle of trying to snuff me in the E.D……. still, the cover up done and the ‘resources’ were good for the two years until I turned up with the documents and a knowledge of what they actually demonstrated…. then the Private Clinic psychologist and her psychiatrist husband had to leave town in a big hurry. Tip off from police I assume…. get yourself out of our jurisdiction because we will have to act otherwise, and we have been doing everything within our power (and some of it outside that power and the law) to ensure they didn’t do anything about the attempt to ‘unintentionally negatively outcome’ me in the E.D.
Sounds insane…….. and it’s meant to. In fact, the authorities are relying on that. The fools and cowards don’t look. The smart ones have looked and exploited the situation for material gain. Private Clinic for example….. closed for business one day, and opened under the same name the very next day (economic decision based on the cost of being sued and brought before the courts for breaches of the Privacy Act ie releasing confidential medical records to public hospitals unlawfully… cheaper to have a lawyer close and reopen business. $50k versus the $10 M possible fine for the breach of the Privacy Act? I know which path i’d take.)…… no lawyer going to sue a business that is no longer in business right? Insider information on that one 🙂
The State has a ‘snitch’ unlawfully releasing confidential information from a Private Clinic which does legal medico reports for defense attorneys and the courts? A quid pro quo methinks. Shut up shop, it looks like the games up Doc.
I appreciate your concern for me though Tammy. I’m more concerned for the people who have been arbitrarily detained and tortured, and the Mental Health Law Centre has conspired with the State to pervert the course of justice over, and conceal the deaths and harm which has occurred as a direct result of their “editing” of legal narratives. I have been brought to tears when reading about situations such as a mother watching as her daughter walked into traffic after an appointment at this ‘hospital’, knowing that the FOI Officer will be “editing” her documents to ensure that the young girl is slandered as much as possible, and the hospital staff appear to have done everything in their power to help the poor child. Lets not talk about the ‘coercive methods’ and threats to use electricity on the child which pushed her to such extreme action…….. those documents have been “edited” and replaced with some other forged for the purpose. And the people doing this “editing”? You’d be hard pushed to recognise them from their looks…. they smile while dong these vile deeds to children and they grieving parents who think it was just a matter of getting the child the help they needed earlier. They call for MORE of what destroyed their own childs life.
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Lying to police and causing them to act when the action was not justified is a crime. Create a false belief. So calling them and telling them you have an “Outpatient” in possession of a knife (which was arranged to be planted for the police to find and justify the violence they would need to do to have me talk) and could they ‘assist’ is an offence
Creating false belief
(1) In this section —
belief means a belief or suspicion that —
(a) an offence has been or is about to be committed;
(b) human safety is or may be endangered;
(c) human life has or may have been lost;
(d) property is or may be endangered;
(e) property has or may have been destroyed;
(f) there is a fire that needs to be put out,
and that is of such a nature as would reasonably call for action by the Police Force or by emergency services.
(2) A person who does or omits to do any act with the intention of creating a false belief is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 2 years.
I have the “Job Number” provided by the Police to the Community Nurse when he called them and requested their assistance with his “Outpatient” (a documented known lie). And where was Boans? Asleep in my bed as a result of being ‘spiked’ with date rape drugs. And yet the Community Nurse writes on his Form that he “observed” that I had not been sleeping? he had police wake me…. but lets not have facts get in the way of his false narrative.
Procuring the apprehension or detention of a person not suffering from a mental illness? Name that psychiatrist…. it’s as simple as that.
“Any person who, by the production of a false certificate or other document [this being the documents the State has continued to utter with despite being made aware it was forged. Further offending], knowingly and wilfully, procures any person, not suffering from mental illness (as defined in the Mental Health Act 2014 section 4) or mental impairment, to be apprehended or detained, pursuant to that Act or any law relating to mental impairment, upon insufficient or unreasonable grounds, is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 3 years.”
I had no ‘treating psychiatrist’ and the “Provisional Diagnosis” documented by the Senior Medical Officer was taken from my confidential medical records at the Private Clinic and released unlawfully by the Clinic psychologist who the hospital rang at her day job at the University Counselling Service (this arranged the night before between my wife and the psychologist knowing she had no right to make a lawful referral. have them call me at my day job and i’ll release his medical records from the Clinic and it will appear to be lawful because they rang me……compounding of offences this is called. Commit offenses to make what would be unlawful appear lawful.)
Getting in deeper here, especially when you start to look at the forged prescription to conceal the ‘spiking’ with date rape drugs. Some things I distinctly remember…. when I was going through the documents I received under FOI, I was using a bench in my home, and my wife was sitting in a chair in front of me. I looked at the prescription and said something like….. “this fukn idiot has written I was taking Diazepam, ……..” and she nearly jumped a foot in the air. I realise now that the FOI Officer would have been fooled by the forged document and thought I was taking these drugs, and hence handed it over along with other documents not proving any of the offenses. of course, what she didn’t know at that time was that they were my wifes drugs, and that she and the Clinic psychologist had discussed ‘spiking’ me with them when she returned home to lay me out and then have police cause an “acute stress reaction” to force me to talk (I had refused to speak to the abusive clinic psych knowing she was trouble, and that I had a right to refuse. Confirmed by the lawyers who dealt with the report from the Clinic.).
So I had the forged document used to conceal the offense of ‘spiking’ but hadn’t yet been informed of the fact I had been ‘spiked’ with these date rape drugs…. the FOI Officer was keeping that bit of information from me AND my legal representatives. using her position to conceal criminal offences?
Conspiracy to;
Compounding or concealing offence
(1) In this section —
compound, in relation to an offence, includes —
(a) to abstain from, to discontinue, and to delay, prosecuting the offence; and
(b) to withhold evidence in relation to the offence.
(2) A person who obtains, or who seeks or agrees to receive, any property or benefit, pecuniary or otherwise, for any person, upon an agreement or understanding that the person will compound or conceal an offence is guilty of a crime and is liable to imprisonment for 7 years.
Can we have the details of the meeting between my wife and the FOI Officer during which they discussed methods of having my rights taken away from me so they could continue to deny me access to what I, and my legal representatives, had a right to examine?
And this is all starting to track back to the Private Clinic psychologist………. who must have been getting rather nervous about the police and others actually doing their duty. No need to worry, she’s a ‘mental health professional’ and they will simply ‘unlawfully homicide’ anyone who complains…. and “edit” the documents.
No need to document any further offences because Police are too stupid to figure any of it out. They just do what they are asked by criminals (acting as public officers) and should the victims come into a police station, they call the criminals and ask them to come get their ‘little problem’ and stick needle in it. Due diligence is a flavor of donut to our Police, and with ‘friends’ at ‘mental health services’ always at the ready with a ‘chemical restraint’ and a false label applied by a Community Nurse (minus any input from a psychiatrist, or even a doctor for that matter) their arrangement is one of great benefit to the corrupt.
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I tried to respond to your post last week but when I clicked the link it wasn’t there. I receive another link last night, so I am able to complete my thoughts to you. I must first reiterate how awful this situation must have been for you. This had to be very traumatic for you to find this all out. To find out that people have deliberately set out to deceive others about you, a direct character assassination and to literally destroy you. The whole situation must have seemed surreal. But it rings true of how the Psychiatric system works here in US, every vestige of a person’s humanity is attacked, and a person is seen as subhuman. I think it is very easy to deceive in the psychiatric system because that is what it is built on: dishonesty and lies. I also think it is easy to get someone committed especially if the person already has been labeled. There are actual instructions online at wikiHow.
The lawyer I mentioned Wayne Ramsey, I believe he is dead now, but you can find his essays online. I wanted you to read what he wrote in his essay “Why Psychiatry is Evil”:
“ E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., a psychiatrist, is one of today’s leading advocates of involuntary psychiatric treatment, contrary to the views he previously expressed in his book The Death of Psychiatry in 1974. In later books and through his Treatment Advocacy Center, Dr. Torrey urges legislators to make it easier to subject people to involuntary “hospitalization” for mental illness and outpatient psychiatric drugging court orders authorizing what is in reality a type of assault. In his book Out of the Shadows: Confronting America’s Mental Illness Crisis, Dr. Torrey says “It would probably be difficult to find any American psychiatrist working with the mentally ill who has not, at a minimum, exaggerated the dangerousness of a mentally ill person to obtain a judicial order of commitment” (John Wiley & Sons 1997, p. 152, italics added). He quotes Paul Applebaum, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, saying mental health professionals regularly use “discretion to expand the scope of commitment statutes by admitting who might not qualify under strict [legal] criteria but are thought to be in need of [involuntary] care.” Dr. Torrey continues:
Families also exaggerate their family member’s symptoms to get the person committed to a hospital. In a 1989 study of 83 families in Philadelphia, 18 percent said they had lied or exaggerated to officials in order to get a relative committed. … In fact a number of local officials with the Alliance for the Mentally Ill (AMI), a nationwide support group for families, say they privately counsel families to lie, if necessary, to get acutely ill relatives hospitalized. . . . They say they were attacked when they weren’t, they say their children tried to kill themselves when they didn’t… Thus, ignoring the law, exaggerating symptoms, and outright lying to get care for those who need it are important reasons the mental illness system is not even worse than it is.
What Dr. Torrey means is laws should permit involuntary hospitalization and involuntary treat-ment without evidence the supposedly mentally ill person has ever done anything violent, making it unnecessary for others to make false accusations of violence to get somebody involuntarily “hospitalized” or involuntarily drugged.” End quote
I tend to think capturing people for the intent to label, detain and drug always involves breaking the law. Unless the person has committed a crime there is no reason to label, drug and detain him. There is only one reason a person should be in custody and not at a hospital. The person then has the right to a trial. The state by setting aside the penal system and creating civil laws dealing with a fantasy called ‘mental illness’, is an egregious violation of liberty and freedom especially if there is no trial or jury or no representation. I may think that what you think is crazy but even so, you have a right to freedom of thought, and I have no right to police your thoughts or deny your freedom. If you are not hurting anyone. Our Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. These laws undermine the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. They should be struck down. Yet that is the system we have where the government polices the thoughts of people. We are to punish people for wrong behavior period. So, the system is not only unjust but immoral.
“I appreciate your concern for me though Tammy. I’m more concerned for the people who have been arbitrarily detained and tortured, and the Mental Health Law Centre has conspired with the State to pervert the course of justice over, and conceal the deaths and harm which has occurred as a direct result of their “editing” of legal narratives. I have been brought to tears when reading about situations such as a mother watching as her daughter walked into traffic after an appointment at this ‘hospital’, knowing that the FOI Officer will be “editing” her documents to ensure that the young girl is slandered as much as possible, and the hospital staff appear to have done everything in their power to help the poor child. Lets not talk about the ‘coercive methods’ and threats to use electricity on the child which pushed her to such extreme action…….. those documents have been “edited” and replaced with some other forged for the purpose. And the people doing this “editing”? You’d be hard pushed to recognise them from their looks…. they smile while dong these vile deeds to children and they grieving parents who think it was just a matter of getting the child the help they needed earlier. They call for MORE of what destroyed their own childs life.”
It is one thing to learn of the emotional and physical scars due to psychiatry’s perverted methods that leave people with nervous system damage, exposes them to altered states, akathisia, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, much agony and confusion but to learn that it is happening to our most vulnerable is so heartbreaking and to think that some parents believe that this is somehow helping their child is mind boggling. I pray for this next generation.
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I don’t know where to put this comment. This is probably not the best spot, but it’s the best I can do right now.
I have seen it written that treatment for ADHD doesn’t produce the long term benefits scientists who analyze the literature expect, if indeed stimulants work as described by the pro-drug “community”. Even the short term gains are merely behavioral and hardly worth mentioning in terms of the academic gains.
As a commenter said a while back, when he and his wife were informed their child had ADHD they resolved to apply every known remedy that might be of value to help him. To no avail. Finally, they decided to try stimulants out of pure desperation. They kicked in immediately and their son did something he had never done before. They were absolutely stunned. The boy listened.
Same here. Modern day miracles don’t occur, we all know. But, I could hear. For the first time in my life, I could actually follow a sentence. I heard what people were saying in full sentences and paragraphs and in lectures and I was taken from a world of guessing and faking and camouflaging, to another place where the streams run clear and fresh and the air is clean. I was transported to a new world, one in which I could discover what was going on around me, in the classroom, in the news, in the gym, all around me, a new world emerged as a place where I could fit in and function.
I devour everything that I choose to focus on even now years later.
Many factors impact learning. Many. What stimulants do is simple. They give us the opportunity to develop our potential. If 99% of those with ADHD are given this chance and do nothing with it, that has no bearing on what the meds do and what we can do with the possibilities that unfold. You can lead a horse to water…
No one has proven that meds aren’t effective. Learning involves more than being able to see and to hear and even if the gains noted short term are small, don’t ignore or disregard them. A journey of a thousand miles begins with… Build upon them. 3 weeks isn’t a whole lot of time. How about 13 years producing the same limited improvements? They add up and once we learn how to learn, learning becomes more natural and we get better at it. Mastering how to learn often feeds our ability to learn more.
Take that boy whose parents had never seen him listen and remember what meds did for him; what they did for his parents. I cannot forget what they’ve done for me and my parents, may they rest in peace, were utterly shocked by the profound changes they saw in me. (Even wanting to listen to old records of Adlai Stevenson’s speeches).
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It really sounds like the medication was a life saver for you. I have also heard other stories of this nature, and I have no doubt they were true. Where I object is when you assume that “we” (meaning all students suffering from attentional issues for whatever reasons) will all benefit in the same way as you did. As you say above, many factors impact learning. Stimulants are only one factor, and according to the literature, not the determinative factor for most kids. Again, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t determinative for YOU and for others who had such a favorable response. It just means we can’t generalize from personal experience to scientific conclusions on a population level. I believe you, 100%. I also believe the statistics. I also believe the stories of people whose lives were made just as much worse by stimulants as yours was made better.
So I hear your personal experience, and your understandable passion for this subject. I’m just not down with the assumption that because you had this experience, everyone who is diagnosed with “ADHD” will have a similar one.
I’d still be very interested in hearing your response to the established fact that “ADHD” kids do far better in open classrooms than in standard ones. I have two kids who both qualified for “ADHD” diagnoses, and we used homeschooling and alternative child-centered schools, no medication or other “treatments,” and both graduated from HS with honors, and the youngest graduated from a university with honors. Both are gainfully employed, have never gotten into drugs or delinquent behavior, and appear to feel pretty good about themselves and their lives. I really think it is a possible answer for a lot of kids who get this label. What do you think?
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Hi Tammy
“I tried to respond to your post last week but when I clicked the link it wasn’t there. I receive another link last night, so I am able to complete my thoughts to you”
Same situation for me. So I’ll post one more comment minus your comment being present here.
I’m interested in Mr Ramseys writing, but it seems that my ‘message’ just doesn’t seem to be getting past some form of mental block.
There is a ‘legal line’ drawn in my State designed to ensure that those who try to use the ‘mental health system’ as a weapon, will go to prison. Whilst such laws may not suit the likes of Fuller, he can go jump. The laws are there, these people are committing offences to deny access to them…. and at some point they WILL be held accountable.
The facts are that I was not by legal definition a ‘person suffering from a mental illness’ (as defined in the Mental Health Act Section 4), and no amount of ‘exaggerating’ or lying should change that status.
The situation amounted to a Private Clinic psychologist who KNEW she had no power to make a referral setting the situation up to enable me to be tortured and kidnapped (don’t like the terms? Sorry, that’s what was done)
Mr Ramsey writes;
“Families also exaggerate their family member’s symptoms to get the person committed to a hospital. In a 1989 study of 83 families in Philadelphia, 18 percent said they had lied or exaggerated to officials in order to get a relative committed.”
That’s great, but how many of them committed serious criminal offences to have someone committed? Because consider that this was why the hospital had to “edit” my documents, AND it was also why, given she was unaware of exactly what was contained in those documents, the Private Clinic psychologist and her husband tried to have me murdered.
Sure, that sounds crazy, and I’m sure that the negligence of those who didn’t look, and preferred that I was a ‘patient’ so was not worthy of listening to, made them look foolish when they realised their “error”. I have the letter from the Chief Psychiatrist in that regard, once he received a copy of the letter the Law Centre forged and pout his name to. And of course they surely would have ‘followed up’ on the rude interruption of the events in the E.D.? Oh dear, how many had they done before someone noticed? Credit to MiA in that regard, some lives may have been saved.
You might wish to make the claim that I had been ‘labelled’ as you say, but …… that ‘label’ was protected under the Federal Privacy Act. It was part of some legal proceedings and NOT to be circulated. The Private Clinics reputation relies on that confidentiality given they have Politicians and the wealthiest man in the country going to see this particular psychiatrist for legal medico reports. And a psychologist (with a Masters Degree) setting a situation up where the State arbitrarily detains and tortures someone to enable what appears to be a lawful release of the slander is a compounding of offences. All she needs to do is have ‘them’ call her and she can release those medical records without the consent of the citizen? Hence my wife requesting they do just that (documented) That’s a terribly easy loophole to get around? Of course it isn’t, it’s a series of crimes.
Perhaps Tammy you have become so used to being a ‘patient’ that you can’t imagine what it means to be a citizen? I feel sure it is the same for black people who are subjected to racism by the police…… they become ‘learned helpless’.
Sure I get it, mental health professionals would love it to be the case that they simply call police and have anyone they like snatched form their home and delivered for assessment….. and there are possibly places in the world where they can do that. China seems to get accused of it. Perhaps North Korea? And if Torrey Fuller wants to live in such a place, maybe we can crowd fund a ticket for him?
But how about you cut it with trying to have me as being an “Outpatient” as a result of a telephone call to Mental Health from someone I was in conflict with?
Lets start with Boans the citizen has some rights to chose what drugs he does and doesn’t take, because it suits some people to disadvantage him by intoxicating him before thugs cause an acute stress reaction. How about we allow my legal representatives to examine the documents they have a right to examine to ensure that I was treated fairly and according to the law? Rather than “editing” such documents because we don’t want criminals going to prison. And well, I can see the positive in it…. it showed how far these people will go to conceal their KNOWN wrongdoing….. because if it wasn’t known, they wouldn’t have tried to conceal it.
Lets start with the FACT that Boans was NOT an “Outpatient”….. 100% demonstrable with the unredacted documents. Now, what was done to get him locked in a cage and have a psychiatrist ask him about why he was going to leave his wife? Because that’s where the documentation ended, with a psychiatrist confused about why I was even there, and saying that my decision (given the violence they were prepared to subject me to) was a perfectly rational one.
You write;
“I must first reiterate how awful this situation must have been for you. This had to be very traumatic for you to find this all out. To find out that people have deliberately set out to deceive others about you, a direct character assassination and to literally destroy you. The whole situation must have seemed surreal.”
Serious Tammy, have a think about your position on being a ‘patient’…. and stop assuming that because the filthy faeces of mental health services has been smeared on others that they too are ‘patients’.
Or would you be prepared to accept that because you have a great grandfather who was half Jewish, that the State had the right to invade your home and extract labour from you until you were no longer worth anything to them? Because there were a lot of people who went along with such ‘powers’ attributed to a certain State, and maybe a few people ‘exaggerated and lied’? And what if the documentation proving your Jewish heritage had been forged by the ‘authorities’?
I mean, I don’t really have a problem with that other than it was done to ME….. and so I understand the position of these lawyers etc….. they have their families to think about with a State behaving like National Socialists….. concealing their ‘dirty’ with threats and violence to anyone who dares question their authority (or lack of it). Particularly when you have the proof.
So, I’ll continue this conversation with you if you will stop with the assumption that I am a ‘patient’. That was achieved via fraud and criminal conduct, and therefore is not valid without some form of actual proof, and not like the letter of the Chief Psychiatrist, an uttering with forged documents….
Lets work on the fact that the State does not have unlimited powers, and that there are laws which draw lines as to how far they can go. If not, they would be out beating black people to death as there would be no consequences for the ‘Klan’….. and even they now know, as a result of George Floyd that their powers aren’t unlimited. They, along with the public officers in my State, will need to ensure that they manage to conceal (“who else has got the documents?”) the evidence before distributing the “edited” versions of reality. At that point the ‘authorities’ can be sure that there will be no consequences for joining forces with the criminals. As the Minister for Mental Health at first thought. (“You better get yourself a lawyer”, “I had one Minister, but the hospital sent them fraudulent documents” …… what, you can prove it? Who the fuk told me that the police had retrieved the fuking documents? And we can’t get the forged letter from the Chief Psychiatrist back?)
Certainly surreal.
And just because a crime cannot succeed, doesn’t mean an offence has not occurred. Plotting needs to be interrupted at the point when the contents of the heart can be seen. Many claim they would do the deed, though how can we know other than the Abraham test? Obtained the weapon, restrained the intended victim, and about to administer the ‘cocktail’? Mens rea. “I was just following orders”
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Just to add to this.
Consider if a person has received a diagnosis of cancer, they can actually refuse treatment DESPITE the fact the doctor may be aware that the treatment may have a high possibility of success.
In the area of mental health, the ‘patient’ has no such right, if the doctor thinks that they are refusing treatments, they can dispatch police and have them incarcerated and force them to take drugs.
In my situation it was decided that they would start the ‘treatment’ (ie drug me without my knowledge with benzos), had no diagnosis, and would sport that out after I had been ‘chemically restrained’ for complaining about my human rights being violated.
To put this in perspective, it’s the equivalent of a nurse having police take you to the hospital and starting chemotherapy in the hope that the doctor can find some form of cancer to diagnose you with…… and going through your old medical records to find something which might mislead anyone examining the reasons/justification for your ‘treatment’.
Did the Community Nurse KNOW I wasn’t an “Outpatient” of his ‘hospital’? You bet your life he did. Was he aware that I had been ‘spiked’ with date rape drugs without my knowledge? You bet your life he did. And during his interrogation of me at the point of police weapons, he deliberately cut me off when I started voicing these facts……..he didn’t want to speak about the Private Clinic psychiatrist who wasn’t MY psychiatrist (because he was legally bound to ‘refer’ me to HIM for an examination, and of course he could do that when he knew I didn’t have a psychiatrist and was deceiving both police AND his colleagues at the hospital).
Did he ask me about my ‘medications’? Well no, he asked me about illicit drug use in front of police (and then refused me the right to speak to MY lawyer before answering his question.) Note that the “fact” he “personally observed” was that I had “refused to answer re substance abuse” I hadn’t refused, and wished to be advised before possibly incriminating myself in front of police (given they are known filthy ‘verballers’) AND I wasn’t even aware of the drugs I was abusing. The refusal to answer a question is not grounds for referral….. in the same way as refusing to answer questions for police does not make you guilty.
Consider, that mental heath can arrange the ‘spikings’, police provide them the muscle and the questions, and then mental health can ‘mop up’ by laying you out with a chemical kosh for complaining. And all this before your even examined by a psychiatrist, never mind given a label…. which would be a foregone conclusion given the psychiatrist would be examining someone dribbling in a cell as a result of the kosh. Consider the comments by the Chief Psychiatrist about “Justifiable explanations”, which matter naught, “of Importance are the observed behaviours”….. so the drugs causing the effect count for nothing…….. talk about ‘drunk at the wheel’.
Then the Community Nurse could write on his statutory declaration that I had “refused to answer re substance abuse”…….. and yet in his own handwriting he had written about me being drugged with benzos without my knowledge? Of course asking questions you don’t want the answers to would be silly, he already had a plan to pervert the course of justice re the offending, and a doctor prepared to assist in that offending. So he did ask my wife about how many benzos she had put into my drink….. and she doubled the amount she had told them over the phone (4 times the amount administered by Dr John Kearsley which he received 2 years prison for. And he IS a doctor with prescribing rights).
So snatched from your bed and told you are going to be receiving treatment for cancer (but we haven’t found out which one the doctor is going to diagnose you with yet), and ‘chemically restrained’ because you complain that you don’t have cancer, and well, the amount of toxins they inject you with is likely to cause some problems, which might look like you have cancer…….
I just don’t see how ANYONE could consider that even ‘mental health services’ can get to this point of “early intervention” and consider them sane?
I get it, someone lied about my status in order to commit these offences. But such criminal negligence on the part of these public officers to avoid their duty of care? What’s the first question you would ask of someone who you KNEW had been drugged with date rape drugs without their knowledge? And it was the Member of Parliament (and a competent lawyer) who pointed out the procedure….. inform the victim they have been ‘spiked’ and then request their attendance at the hospital for further examination. Transport by ambulance in case of emergency medical event.
What happened? Not informed that I had been ‘spiked’ with date rape drugs (later to be made my “Regular Medications” with a forged prescription), thrown into the back of a police van after being interrogated by them, and then met by a staff of thugs at the hospital for the Community Nurses violent psychotic drug abusing wife beater who police had requested be assessed. He needed to conceal the fact I was NOT an “Outpatient” from his own colleagues, and instead pretend I was a “Police referral” (Hence the need to call police and request ‘assistance’ with his “Outpatient” rather than the ambulance. That and the necessary “acute stress reaction” which was hopefully police smacking my head with big sticks because they fell for the knife that was planted and thought I was a mental patient. An offence as I have pointed out called “Create False Belief”).
Clever really, and to think this guy is still doing these to this day due to the gross criminal negligence of the Australian Practitioners Health Regulation Agency who could find ….. well, absolutely bizarre their negligence. People make complaints, and they go to lunch and get drunk and order strippers is about what it seems. Their Board not even aware there are laws that govern such ‘detentions’.
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