I truly enjoyed reading this article. I feel now that my own duality, conflict, and niche in the mental health arena is understood by others and hopefully, many more after reading this work. This area and article need further investigation and more attention should be invested in understanding this VERY liminal space. ‘Othering’ on its own merits is one thing. Existing in the margins of an already marginalized people. That’s another. Then, when you are living in between the margins, well that’s the most isolating, scary, and misunderstood space of all. In a system that is ineffective already and completely useless to those described in this piece, I hope we can give these folks more airtime in the advocacy world and legislation proposed to fix the MH system. Kudos to the author!
I truly enjoyed reading this article. I feel now that my own duality, conflict, and niche in the mental health arena is understood by others and hopefully, many more after reading this work. This area and article need further investigation and more attention should be invested in understanding this VERY liminal space. ‘Othering’ on its own merits is one thing. Existing in the margins of an already marginalized people. That’s another. Then, when you are living in between the margins, well that’s the most isolating, scary, and misunderstood space of all. In a system that is ineffective already and completely useless to those described in this piece, I hope we can give these folks more airtime in the advocacy world and legislation proposed to fix the MH system. Kudos to the author!
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