We are a grassroots group of Southern Californians who oppose forced psychiatric treatment. Our mission is to advocate for the complete abolition of any type of forced or coerced psychiatric treatment, including confinement in psychiatric institutions, forcible medication, electroshock therapy, and involuntary outpatient treatment. We support the self-determination, civil rights, and liberty of all people.
If you have survived any type of forced psychiatric intervention including a 5150 hold, forced medication, or Laura’s Law, you have come to the right place. Southern California Against Forced Treatment is a safe space for you to speak out against the injustices you have faced. We also provide peer support for those who are tapering from their psychiatric medications and can provide referrals for professional withdrawal support.
Southern California Against Forced Treatment embraces all forms of diversity and welcomes group members of different races, ethnicities, nationalities, religious backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations, dis/abilities, ages, sizes, appearances, and political affiliations.