Alternative to Meds Center is a licensed residential holistic mental health facility, and is “a world authority on the subjects of biochemical correction of addiction and alternatives to psychiatric drugs. We handle residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation, as well as specialized care for a tapering medication withdrawal. We also have a relationship with a nearby hospital who handles acute cases needing detox or medical stabilization.
What we offer is so unique; there really is not a conventional term for it. For addicts and alcohol problems, we seek and strategically find what causes the addictive biochemistry that drives the cravings. And for mental health, we use a combination of orthomolecular and environmental medicine. Orthomolecular medicine seeks to use naturally occurring nutrients at optimum molecular levels so as promote brain health. Environmental medicine is the art of determining how environmental toxin burden accumulates within a person, how it effects physiology and neurochemistry, and how to clean up the burden so that normal function may be restored.”
Alternatives to Meds takes private insurance.