Sweetster offers: Peer Support, Intentional Warm Line, and Learn and Recovery Center.
The Learning & Recovery Center hosts Maine’s only Peer Crisis Respite Overnight Program. Using an intentional peer support model based on the work of Shery Mead, Sweetser’s Peer Services offer mutual support for people recovering from mental illness, substance abuse or a history of trauma. Crisis Respite includes a short-term stay at the Learning & Recovery Center in Brunswick, recovery groups, art groups, complementary therapies and self-directed learning.
For those who anticipate that they may want to stay at the Learning & Recovery Center in the future, as an alternative to hospitalization, a Crisis Respite interview must be conducted. A respite plan is mutually created between the client and a peer at the center when the client is doing well. It is our belief that it is easier to consider what works for us and is comforting for us when we are not in the throes of a crisis.