Home Coming Off Psych Drugs mutual support group

Coming Off Psych Drugs mutual support group

United States
Type of support offered
mutual support
mutual support group

Meets Tuesday or Wednesday nights in Medford, MA.

Contact Laura at [email protected] with any questions.

“Welcome to Coming Off Psych Drugs, a mutual support group for people thinking about, in the process of, or with past experiences of coming off or reducing psychiatric drugs.  Our sole purpose is to provide support for each other by sharing our own experiences of psych drug withdrawal and listening to others do the same.  This group is founded upon a fierce belief in the human spirit, and in our innate capacity as human beings to heal from trauma and to regenerate.

Coming Off Psych Drugs is unaffiliated with any religion, institution, 12-step program, medical practice, or ideology.  This group is not therapy or counseling, and nothing that is said in this space should be taken as medical or personal advice.  We have no leaders and claim expertise only on our own individual experiences.  We respect the right of each person to decide for themselves whether or not their medications are helpful, and we welcome people interested in reducing some but not all of their meds.  Coming Off Psych Drugs is founded upon acceptance of each person’s unique experience of and relationship to the mental health system, and we strive to keep our ears, minds, and hearts open to one another.  We ask that what is said in this space, stays in this space.  Coming Off Psych Drugs will remain forever free, and operating costs will be based on donations gathered at each meeting.  Currently, the cost per meeting is $30.

Because we believe that spreading awareness about coming off psychiatric drugs is important for society as a whole, we welcome any and all to attend our group.  However, we ask that only those with personal experience of psych drugs, past or present, speak in the group.”


Mood Stabilizers