Point of Return is based in the United States yet we have worked with individuals in 73 countries. English speaking only.
We have on staff an integrative physician, an osteopathic physician, a family practice physician with a career in cardiothoracic surgery, a medical review officer, a pastor, a psychologist, and a compounding pharmacist.
Point of Return is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, public benefit organization that was established to help individuals who seek freedom from their dependence on Sleeping Pills, Benzodiazepines, Anti-Anxiety Medications and Antidepressants. The team behind Point of Return encompasses an essential altruistic perspective that places others before self. Each team member has a personal story of addiction and subsequent recovery that is used to motivate those on our program.
Point of Return inspires people to both recover and pass their message of hope to another in need. Our program encompasses the use of whole food supplements specifically formulated to help minimize withdrawal symptoms and side effects during a slow tapering process. We also implement peer support to encourage each client through the withdrawal process and on to renewed health.
At Point of Return we believe in empowering the individual. Our approach to wellness includes the freedom from prescription pill dependence, but also involves all aspects of healthy living.