Tag: 1boringoldman

Farewell Mickey Nardo, 1 (not very) Boring Old Man

Mickey studied how the intimacy between leading academic psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical companies had impacted our profession. His blog was a treasure trove of analysis and information. Mickey did some heavy lifting, and for that we are all indebted.

Mickey Nardo: Tangled up in Life

Mickey Nardo died yesterday. Here is a brief account of his career, chiseled out of him for the Restoring Study 329 site. What strikes me most is his interest in the tangles people end up in. This certainly is a theme that ran through his blog.

Major Depressive Disorder and “the Confusion of Tongues…”

The 1 Boring Old Man blog discusses how MDD started as a “Descriptor, then became a Disorder, then became a Brain Disease, and now seems have...

Dr. Nardo Pens Letter to FDA on Brintellix

Dr. Nardo, on his 1boringoldman blog, recaps his letter to the FDA concerning his findings after reviewing the research data on the new antidepressant...

Dr. Nardo on the Curse of Insel’s Legacy

In his reaction to Dr. Makari’s Opinion piece in the ‘Times, entitled Psychiatry’s Mind-Brain Problem, Dr. Nardo articulates why the legacy of NIMH director Thomas Insel is so dangerous. “He may have kept the researchers from spinning off and following some idiosyncratic path, but he did it by forcing them to follow his own idiosyncratic path.”