Tag: finnish open dialogue

Alita Taylor – Open Dialogue: Making Meaning

An interview with psychotherapist, trainer and facilitator Alita Taylor who shares her passion for Open Dialogue, explaining why Open Dialogue 'cannot be taught, but needs a teacher'.

Open Dialogue: Does the Current Research Data Support Further Investment?

A leading US journal published an extensive literature review and analysis of currently available research on Open Dialogue. An accompanying commentary concludes, ā€œThe present data on Open Dialogue are insufficient to warrant calls for further research on the program other than those projects that are currently under way.ā€

Love is Dialogical: The Open Dialogue UK International Conference and Training

In the past five years, there has been a dramatic explosion of interest in the Open Dialogue Therapy practiced in Tornio, Finland. It is a humanistic ā€œtreatmentā€ that has produced five-year outcomes for psychotic patients that are, by far, the best in the developed world, and there are now groups in the United States, Europe and beyond that are seeking to ā€œimportā€ this care. However, the challenges for doing so are many and, last month, Open Dialogue UK - on the occasion of the first-ever fully recognized Open Dialogue training outside of Tornio - organized a conference in London to hold an open dialogue about Open Dialogue.

Madness and the Family, Part III: Practical Methods for Transforming Troubled...

We are profoundly social beings living not as isolated individuals but as integral members of interdependent social systemsā€”our nuclear family system, and the broader social systems of extended family, peers, our community and the broader society. Therefore, psychosis and other forms of human distress often deemed ā€œmental illnessā€ are best seen not so much as something intrinsically ā€œwrongā€ or ā€œdiseasedā€ within the particular individual who is most exhibiting that distress, but rather as systemic problems that are merely being channeled through this individual.

An Essay on Finnish Open Dialogue: A Five-Year Follow-Up

It has been five years since I traveled to Western Lapland in Finland to film my documentary ā€œOpen Dialogueā€ on their Open Dialogue Projectā€”the program, as I stated in the film, presently getting the best long-term statistical results in the world for the treatment of first-episode psychosis. My film came out four years ago, and since then I have been screening it around the world, giving lectures about Open Dialogue and my experience in Finland, participating in regular conferences and Q&A sessions about it, receiving daily emails, Facebook messages, blog and Youtube comments about it (as itā€™s now been free on Youtube for a year), and keeping in regular contact with some of the folks who work there. But I havenā€™t shared many of my updated opinions in writing, so I wish to do so now.