Tag: Mind-body medicine

Learning to Speak the Subtle Language of Pain

It gradually dawned on me that my back pain was another mask that depression wore. Instead of crying and feeling overwhelmed or giving up, my body was sending distress signals to help me realize that I was in a difficult spot. I began to realize some of the metaphorical aspects of the pain I experienced.

“Honest” Placebos Effective in Treating Health Problems

From TIME: "The medical community has been aware of the placebo effect–the phenomenon in which a nontherapeutic treatment (like a sham pill) improves a...

How Trauma Lodges in the Body

In this episode of On Being, psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk discusses the role that bodywork including yoga and eye movement therapy can have...

Call for Papers on Holistic Mental Health Care

Division 18 of the American Psychological Association (APA), Public Service Psychology, has put out an open call for articles for a special issue of...