Tag: New Zealand

A Bicultural Māori/European Vision for a Truly Healing Hospital

Our therapies need to treat the root causes of mental distressā€”especially trauma and environmentā€”and not just numb the pain.

Collateral Damage: The Negative Impact of Antidepressants on New Zealand Youth

Health and wellbeing in young people are trending down in New Zealand. Are antidepressants to blame?

Torture at Lake Alice “Hospital”, New Zealand

Lake Alice was a psychiatric institution in New Zealand connected with hundreds of reported abuses, especially of children. A new Royal Commission evidence-gathering hearing is set for this year.

Māori Approach to Mental Health Offers Empowering Alternative to Western Psychiatry

A new article explores Mahi a Atua, an affirming indigenous Māori healing practice which stands in contrast to the Western psychiatric methods typically promoted by the Movement for Global Mental Health.

Our Coming to Mad in Aotearoa

Madness cannot be separated from our cultural contexts. Our dream is that there are spaces for people of all cultures and countries who experience living with, through and beyond madness to tell their unique stories. We have created Mad in Aotearoa for all the people in our country.