Tag: non-drug alternatives
Snapshots of Spring: Journeying Off Psych Meds After 20 Years of...
My prayer to be taken out of my misery was answered, just not the way I used to envision. I managed to escape the system and here I am in the same lifetime, alive and well. I’m slowly getting acquainted with this new setup and am eternally grateful for yet another opportunity at life, which I hope does not slip through my fingers.
A New Era in New Zealand’s Mental Health Treatment
From SCOOP: "Today details of the Green Party's free youth counselling policy, for those aged 18 – 25, was announced. The pilot funding has been outlined...
Here’s How to Beat Anxiety Without Medication
From The Independent: The medication that is frequently prescribed to treat anxiety often does not work in the long-term. According to a new study, a variety...
Wellbeing Enhanced More by Places Than Objects, Study Finds
From The Guardian: New research suggests that people are more likely to experience feelings of wellbeing, contentment, and belonging from places that evoke positive memories...
Tailoring Teaching for Temperament Improves Engagement
"A classroom program that helps teachers adapt their interactions with students based on individuals' temperaments may lead to more student engagement in kindergarten, more...