A New Era in New Zealand’s Mental Health Treatment


From SCOOP: “Today details of the Green Party’s free youth counselling policy, for those aged 18 – 25, was announced. The pilot funding has been outlined and requests for tender are now invited.

The pilot looks to draw on overseas examples, most notably the ‘Improved Access to Psychological Therapies’ or ‘IAPT’ programme in the UK, which has seen therapy and counselling made available nationwide for mild to moderate mental health problems.

The provision of free counselling for youth was an election policy of the Green Party, and it was part of their confidence and supply agreement with the Government.”

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  1. It is difficult to find any reviews of the IAPT that are not written by someone who has a vested interest in this – ie in the case guild interest. Here is one I found MJ Scott 2018 Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) – The need for radical reform. (Journal of Health Psychology 23, 9: 1136-1147 doi: 10.1177/1359105318755264) Basically the author is saying that there are too many restrictions around the protocols of how it is administered – the results are not what they are cracked up to be – There seems to be a case here for “institutional corruption” in a similar way to Robert Witaker book ‘Psychiatry under the Influence’ – but here it is psychology – showing they can be corrupted similarly – Lets not have the Greens in NZ rush in with this waste of tax payer dollars – lets develop some thing different.

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