Tag: psychobiotics
Animal Study Supports Influence of Probiotics on Resilience to Stress
Researchers experimenting on mice found that Lactobacillusâthe probiotic commonly found in yogurtâmay help reduce depressive symptoms in reaction to chronic stressors. But human studies have found mixed results.
“How Probiotics May Help Ease Depression”
In this video interview, Dr. Kelly Brogan explains how probiotics, or âpsychobiotics,â can directly impact brain, behavior, mood, and cognition. âBrogan recommended consuming 15 to...
Can Probiotics be Used for the Treatment of Mental Health Problems?
Probiotics have certainly become quite the rage across the world for the treatment of all kinds of ailments from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to infectious diarrhoea to stress to low mood. Some might say that the enthusiasm has been rather slow to develop. Recently, the popular press has propagated the idea that probiotics are the next antidepressants.