Tag: reproducability crisis
Can Auditing Scientific Research Fix its Reproducibility Crisis?
"The study predicts that audits would reduce the number of false positive results from 30.2 per 100 papers to 12.3 per 100—far from perfect,...
High Rates of Questionable Research Practices Found in Ecology and Evolution
A new study, published online by the Open Science Foundation, suggests that questionable research practices (QRPs) are prevalent in the fields of ecology and evolution.
Brain Stimulation Research Lacking in Reproducibility and Scientific Integrity
Questionable research practices and poor reproducibility in electrical brain stimulation (EBS) studies.
“What Does Scientific Reproducibility Mean, Anyway?”
The Watchdogs at STAT, Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus, dive into the replication crisis in medicine and psychology ask wonder, “what does reproducibility really...
“Big Science is Broken”
For The Week, Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry comments on the current state of Science: the replicability crisis, the failure to self-correct, outright fraud, the inadequacy of...
William A. Wilson presents shocking evidence that a lot of published research is false and that science’s self-correcting mechanisms are broken. “There is no...