Tag: UK’s mental health services
What Is It Like to Be Sectioned?
From ShortList: "'I asked to go out for a cigarette but was told that if I tried to leave I would be sectioned against...
Sami Timimi and John Read: Royal College of Psychiatrists, Latest Update
An interview with Professor Sami Timimi and Professor John Read who provide an update on a complaint made to the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists by a group of thirty academics, psychiatrists and people with lived experience.
Figures Reveal ‘Alarming’ Rise in Injuries at Mental Health Units
From The Guardian: Thousands of patients in NHS mental health units are injured every year when they are restrained by staff, according to new figures which...
Revealed: Britain’s Mental Health Crisis
In this episode of BBC's Panorama, reporter Sophie Hutchison investigates the troubled state of mental health services in Britain. (Available for UK residents only)
Unhelpful Utterances: 6 Comments We Should No Longer Hear From Mental...
Professionals are paid to share their wisdom with those who are, typically, less informed. But, when dealing with mental health professionals in the psychiatric arena, it is wise to retain a degree of skepticism about the words spoken by the doctors and nurses commissioned to help reduce human misery and suffering.