Tag: voice hearers
How We Started the Bay Area Hearing Voices Network
Voice hearers have created a community. Often, for the first time, they feel safe to talk about their experiences and reach out for support.
Do We All Need Tinfoil Hats? Considering Schizophrenia
If alien species wanted to intervene in human society without fully revealing themselves, how would they do it? Choose a select number of individuals who are easily discredited by others in the group. In other words: Turn people into schizophrenics.
What Makes People Hear Voices?
Researchers treat voicehearing as the sign of a disease or a disorder or a dysfunction of the brain. That it might be something more—a relationship of some kind with God that developed in this way as part of our evolution over eons—does not seem to have occurred to anyone who has worked in the field of psychology.
Psychologists Push For New Approaches to Psychosis: Part 2
The authors of the report expand upon the traumatic and sociopolitical factors underlying presentations of psychosis and “schizophrenia.”