Tag: voice hearers

Do We All Need Tinfoil Hats? Considering Schizophrenia

If alien species wanted to intervene in human society without fully revealing themselves, how would they do it? Choose a select number of individuals who are easily discredited by others in the group. In other words: Turn people into schizophrenics.

What Makes People Hear Voices?

Researchers treat voicehearing as the sign of a disease or a disorder or a dysfunction of the brain. That it might be something moreā€”a relationship of some kind with God that developed in this way as part of our evolution over eonsā€”does not seem to have occurred to anyone who has worked in the field of psychology.

Psychologists Push For New Approaches to Psychosis: Part 2

The authors of the report expand upon the traumatic and sociopolitical factors underlying presentations of psychosis and ā€œschizophrenia.ā€