“Why Are So Many Children on Antipsychotic Drugs?”


“Do they make people less aggressive? Yes, sometimes they do. Will they sedate people? Absolutely. Will they make kids easier to manage? They will,” Robert Whitaker tells Liz Spikol for Philadelphia Magazine. “But I know of no study that shows that medicating these kids long-term will help them grow up and thrive. The developing brain is a very delicate thing. The narrative is that these side effects are mild, and that’s just not true, and that the benefits are well-established, and so often they’re not.”

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  1. Unlike war crimes, crimes against humanity can be committed during peace or war. They are not isolated or sporadic events, but are part either of a government policy (although the perpetrators need not identify themselves with this policy) or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority.

    More https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimes_against_humanity

    I really think today’s mass drugging of children qualifies as a crime against humanity.

    Why Are So Many Children on Antipsychotic Drugs?

    That’s an easy question to answer, they do it to make money. Every singe large drug company has been busted fraudulently marketing these drugs to kids.

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  2. Doctors know what they’re doing. Start a kid on drugs early, and you’ve got a steady, often a lifetime, “customer.” It’s all a part of a strategy for selling “mental illness” in order to sell “mental illness treatment.” Given recent violent events, “mental illness” is selling like hotcakes.

    Child rearing used to be a matter for parents, but foster kids are kids without their natural, biological parents. They were unwanted, in some cases, in the first place, so what do we do with them? We use them to sell “mental illness”, and with it, “mental illness treatment.”

    Although “mental illness treatment” calls itself “mental health treatment”, we know better. Start ’em early on the career mental patient path and, hey, job security and industry growth are assured. Mental patient manufacture, in other words, has no let up.

    The debilitating effects of the drugs go along with the career choice. People are given drugs, in other words, so that that mouse won’t roar. Roaring mice will never do. We want our cleaning ladies and janitors to be cleaning ladies and janitors. If not, they can do a good service as career mental patients feeding the drug industry and the families of the “mental health” profession.

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  3. Fear.

    Fear that your child will not be viable in the marketplace, will not achieve “success” in relationships and scholarship. Fear that your child will be the one to open fire on his/her schoolmates. Fear that your child, is the strange one who will heap coals of humiliation upon your head.


    Of course, pharma and psychiatrists profit – but a huge lot of these kids are in foster care, or under the poverty line. They can’t afford the “horses for autism” program or private schooling. They need to “fit in” at school, and fast. Mom or Dad have to work, and there is nobody at home to be a carer for a child who may be wild or needy.


    If the child is medicated, maybe, just maybe, they will “pass,” in a non-diverse, demanding, sit-still and behave for hours environment. Maybe, just maybe, the “dirty secret” of “mental illness” will not be found out. Maybe there is real trauma there, and by medicating the child, the trauma can be left buried.

    This is a bottom-up problem, as much as it is a top-down one.

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