Swiss researchers investigated the paradox that both low and high levels of “insight” are a risk factor for poor outcomes such as depression, hopelessness, and lowered quality of life. They found, in a sample of 142 schizophrenia or schizoaffective disordered outpatients, that the perception of their illness as chronic and disabling was associated with depressive symptoms and demoralization, while a positive attitude toward recovery contributed to symptom reduction, functional improvement, and subjective well-being. Their recommendations will appear in an upcoming Journal of Clinical Psychology.
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It is pure common sense. A person who gets brainwashed into believing that there is no recovery possible and no hope for a decent future,will become depressed. Also I wonder: do psychiatrist have really insight into their patients’illness since they usually don’t bother to look for the rootcause of the problem. They blindly jump to conclusions and thus mislead their patients by diagnosing them with a lifelong illness which might not be the case at all.
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