A controversial 2010 paper, “Antidepressant Medication Prevents Suicide in Depression”, has been retracted by Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. In a contemporaneous issue of British Journal of Psychiatry, the study’s author Goran Isaacson (along with Charles Rich) debated the study’s premise with Jon Jureidini and Melissa Raven, who wrote “we agree that ‘the hypothesis that suicide might be prevented by the treatment of depression is not far-fetched’. However, Isacsson & Rich have failed to produce robust evidence for their much stronger claim that ‘treatment with antidepressants prevents suicide’.” Isaacson has acknowledged an “error in our database” which, when corrected, allows no conclusion to be drawn.
“Antidepressant Medication Prevents Suicide in Depression” Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2010 (122) 454-460 (Retracted Article)
Just thought you should know clicking on your links leads to nothing.
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I just added links, which worked for me. I hope that works.
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Thanks Kermit.
The “loop”, if broken, can prevent suicides.
The loop of whatever is bothering a person.
In many young, this loop cannot be broken, they need adults to step in and
change the environment.
In the “labeled”, and medicated, the suggestions of a loop syndrome can be beneficial.
I invented a new diagnosis, called “the loop syndrome”
We all participate in this loop syndrome, beyond our awareness, even shrinks do.
When a loop has symptoms, discontent, disruption, or causes disruption, it needs redirection.
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