An article in the Wall Street Journal today explores the phenomenon of children growing up on antidepressants.
An article in the Wall Street Journal today explores the phenomenon of children growing up on antidepressants.
Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion—broadly speaking—of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.
Great article! I recommend.
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Emotionally illiterate? How about brain/internal organ damage. SSRI’s are pure poison. I’m speechless.
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Good article, though it’s still promulgating the notion of chemical imbalance, and reading the comments section, that myth is still ever present…
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A horrible article. The guy who wrote it is sitting on the fence, having a bet each way, and believes there are people with ‘chemical imbalances’ or legitimate biomedical mental disorders or whatever he says I couldn’t be bothered finding the exact quote. If his article is this lame, I doubt his book will be any good. A book about ‘growing up in the era of psych drugs’, from a guy who believes in brain disease causing human problems? no thanks.
A very middling effort but what do you expect in the mainstream media? miracles?
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