Robert Reich, professor of public policy at Berkeley and former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, analyzes the impact of the $3 billion Glaxo penalty in “How Not to Get Big Pharma to Changes Its Ways”; a blog on Huffington Post.
Robert Reich, professor of public policy at Berkeley and former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, analyzes the impact of the $3 billion Glaxo penalty in “How Not to Get Big Pharma to Changes Its Ways”; a blog on Huffington Post.
This problem is much more complicated than Reich’s understanding of it. Psychiatry’s snake oils would never have become ascendant in society if it weren’t for the unholy alliance between government and psychiatry for generations.
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i like seeing someone saying in mainstream media that this isn’t enough to stop them. the large sum of money works to obscure things for a lot of people.
i like that he says we need to hold the individuals responsible. i think the justice department could have legally charged the executives, but they didn’t. i also like that he makes people who wouldn’t otherwise have thought about it (perhaps) think about the fact that the docs and psychiatrists are and shouldn’t be receiving money from the drug companies.
i think it’s naive though the convenient focus on it being different people working there now. it’s hard to believe that they don’t know what was going on, weren’t they taught by the very people who held the positions before them? and if the new executives disagree with the behavior, why don’t they admit to the past criminal behavior. i think the executives past and present should be held accountable. it’s their job to know how their company is running.
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Robert Reich has the ideal credentials to launch a public education campaign that rivals AIDS , in terms of the threat to life and health of We the People…
A new campaign run on the theme: “Ask your doctor…about…”
…the latest charges brought against academic psychiatrists for fraud, willful deceit for financial gain that has caused severe harm…
Or, addressing your doctor from a distance of 50 feet through a megaphone:
“Step away from that prescription pad… put down you pen… slowly turn around with your hands in the air….”
You have the right to remain silent… but
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