An amendment to an FDA bill, proposed by Senators Herb Kohl, Charles Grassley, and Richard Blumenthal to “ensure that these drugs are being appropriately used to treat people with mental illnesses, not used to curb behavioral symptoms of Alzheimer’s or other dementias,” failed to pass in the Senate despite passage of the bill to which it was attached.
What lovely, enlightened, caring Senators these are. They only want drugs used to curb the behavior of people they label ‘mentally ill’, and not lovely old ladies with dementia. How lovely that they are selectively fighting for one group’s rights while throwing the rest of us under the bus.
The article doesn’t even explain why it didn’t pass.
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Or maybe they are just concerned about who is picking up the tab for antipsychotics in nursing homes??
I think it is ridiculous to write, much less try to pass legislation on protocols related to the practice of medicine. – Are senators more enlightened than pharma reps when it comes to issuing guidelines for off label uses of psychotropic drugs? IF so– or maybe so– hey, now— we don’t need prescribers, do we? Anybody can get into the act !
We do need some legislation to pave the way for direct criminal prosecution for mislabeling people -mentally ill and prescribing brain damaging drugs-. We do need laws that address the absence of scientific evidence as a reason to remove all credibility from biomedical psychiatry – a long running show of willful deceit for profit that has caused serious harm.
WE do need to speak out about the myriad ways our tax dollars are flushed down the john….
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